Thursday, December 07, 2006

Home Weight Loss Naturally was

Home Weight Loss - Naturally was written by Alevoor Rajagopal and he writes "Modern lifestyles cultivate such habits that are hard to give a skip and to unhealthy practices. Today many view weight control diets as something difficult to practice and that, as something where in you need to keep account of all that you eat. But think of this. Obesity is not fun and good health does not come cheap. Surrendering to quick fix pills like sympathomimetic amine or amphetamine is a serious mistake if you don’t consider the side effects. It works by stimulating central nervous system to increase blood pressure and heart beats and thereby reducing appetite. Naturally, you can’t compromise on your own health. Look around for a natural way to weight loss.

There are yogic and naturopathic weight loss programs you can adapt. These are systematic by nature and not harsh on your physiology. These systems involve using water predominantly for treatment. Systematic washing/cleansing of stomach, colon and lungs help clean them of acids, semi/fully digested residual waste etc. Removal of waste coat facilitates fresh and more secretion of digestive juices. Repeat this under expert monitoring and schedule. Take up some classes in yoga asanas..

On the other hand, the naturopathy is a wee bit different from yoga. It requires that you drink a lot of water (sun charged water, green water and yellow/orange), take chromotherapy (a system of treatment through sunrays) and subjective cold or hot/steam baths. Fasting and enema are two other things in schedule for natural weight loss program.

As you can see, all of the above steps in the natural weight loss program help in cleansing or ridding the body from toxic and morbid matters and reducing fat. Before I conclude, I think it would not be fair enough if I don’t mention the natural weight loss program that the General Motors has conducted for its employees. It was an all vegetable, no exercise and no chemical treatment program of seven days. In the end most of them lost 5-6 pounds of weight with nothing to regret about.

The author Rajgopal had been writing on technical matters and in this avtar he gave up tags that confine to particular genre of writing. Rajgopal is a mechanical engineer and served the pharmaceutical industry. Oflate he has been putting his efforts in to creative art and healthcare writing. Here he looks up at options available to put life back on track. He can be contacted at

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Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Natural Weight Loss is Not a Diet Pill

Natural Weight Loss is Not a Diet Pill has written By Janice Elizabeth Small Platinum and she writes "It's ironic, isn't it, that when you search for "natural weight loss" online you see a load of ads for pharmaceutical products. Since when did natural come in pill form?

Real natural weight loss starts in your head when you decide that you'll do whatever it takes to lose weight by changing the quality and quantity of food you eat and the amount of exercise you take.

You naturally lose weight when you do what is good for you most of the time and gain it just as naturally when you don't..

Now that's easy to say and not so easy to do when you want to lose weight and your normal inclination and habit is to do what you know you shouldn't.

You can use all the willpower you like in your weight loss program but, if you are forcing yourself too far out of your comfort zone, you'll be going against the grain and making life exceedingly tough for yourself.

Most people give up on any weight loss regime that forces them to make huge changes to their lifestyle and routine well before they've reached their target weight - if they even get past the first two weeks.

Instead of pills and punishing diets and workouts, you need a weight loss program which takes into account the natural human tendency to resist change. And this means taking things one step at a time, building up good habits until they feel part of your normal routine. It means gradually switching to moderate quantities of healthy natural foods. It means starting to move a little more than you do just now and building that up each day.

Natural weight loss occurs when you have built up the habits that support it. It feels great to lose weight that way and what's more the changes you make to your habits stay with you - they are permanent and you never need to think about clicking on those natural weight loss diet pill ads ever again!

Copyright 2005, Janice Elizabeth Small
Janice Elizabeth is a weight loss coach, slimming club owner and author of "The Diet Exit Plan", an 8 week coaching program for natural permanent weight loss. Request her FREE 15 page report "How to lose weight without dieting - 7 secrets the diet industry doesn't want you to know" at TODAY!

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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Natural Weight Loss - It's Easier Than You Think!

Natural Weight Loss - It's Easier Than You Think! has written By Robert Kokoska Platinum and he writes "There are literally thousands of weight loss programs out there today - which shows that losing weight is an almost universal preoccupation! When you examine what many of these programs are all about, though, you can see why people who lose weight typically are not able to keep it off for good. Unlike natural weight loss, many weight loss programs emphasize special products such as meal replacements or supplements. The problem is that no one can stay with this type of program for life - and as soon as you get off the weigh loss program, the weight is likely to creep back on, and you're back where you started.

Natural weight loss is different. With natural weight loss, you use the simplest principle of all - the fact that, in order to lose weight, you must use more calories than you take in. You make this principle work in your favor, and you can do this in one of two ways. You can either eat less - and that doesn't mean cutting out or minimizing entire food groups, but just eating less of whatever you happen to be eating - or you can exercise more. To be really successful, of course, you should do both..

To limit how much you eat, the simplest and most natural technique is this: eat only when you're hungry, and when you're not hungry anymore, stop eating. It sounds simple and logical - but it's amazing how few of us actually do this! This natural weight loss technique has one great advantage - it teaches you to listen to your body. Given the chance, your body will tell you when and how much you need to eat. No book can tell you that. After all, your needs vary from day to day. Some people have a 'hungry day' followed by a 'not hungry' day, and that's waht's natural for them. 'Naturally' thin people are those who habitually listen to their bodies.

The natural way to exercise is to do it often, but at a low intensity. Throughout most of human history, people didn't visit the gym, but they did move around all day, every day - they walked or rode everywhere, for one thing. And most of these people were not overweight. You can do the same. One way to do this is to establish a certain 'minimum distance' for driving, and stick to it. For example, you can decide never to drive if your destination is closer than ten blocks. Of course, there will be exceptions, but just following a policy like this most of the time will inject a lot of extra exercise into your day.


If you're serious about losing weight, there are 3 things, when combined, can make your battle much, much easier. The first is Hoodia Gordoni. Hoodia reduces your appetite in minutes, causing you to eat less. The second is Weight Loss Patch Pro that boosts your metabolism so that you burn the maximum amount of fat each day. The third important ingredient is Dietrine carb blocker, which blocks most of the fat and carbohydrates in the food you eat from going into your body.

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Monday, December 04, 2006

Lose Weight with a Natural Weight Loss Remedy

Lose Weight with a Natural Weight Loss Remedy has written By Michael Bens and he writes "Garcinia cambogia is a natural weight loss supplement that is making headlines in North America and Europe. Though not a magic bullet by any means, studies show that garcinia cambogia can be effective in helping people lose weight in two basic ways – first, it blocks the conversion of sugar and refined carbohydrates into fat during metabolism, and second, it may help suppress appetite by raising the brain chemical level of serotonin. Seratonin is a substance that we get by eating certain foods – turkey is the most famous example, but by no means the only one – and it also calms you down.

This is very significant, because some studies indicate that overweight people overeat because they feel anxious, and the serotonin in food is a way for them to self-soothe in order to calm down. If serotonin can be obtained by taking garcinia cambogia, people who engage in this type of adaptive overeating may well be able to overcome their problem. The active ingredient in garcinia cambogia – the ingredient that causes these effects – is known as HCA. It has been tested in a lab situation, and on both human and animal subjects.

Though there are those that swear by it, at this point, there is a bit of confusion over whether garcinia cambogia really does help people lose weight. To date, several studies have been done, but evidence is mixed. Almost ten years ago, one study was done of 60 individuals, and it did seem as though they lost more weight as compared to people who took a placebo. However, subsequent tests didn’t yield the same result. One suggestion is that this might be because the people in that test were on a high-fiber diet. That may be true, because the fiber could conceivably have swept the supplement from the body too soon, before it could do its work. Overall, however, most studies do show that there is some weight loss with the use of garcinia cambogia, and that this is accelerated if a low carbohydrate diet is followed. The diet need not be as low in carbs as Atkins, however; the important thing seems to be to avoid excessive sugars and refined carbohydrates. If you do that, then the supplement can take care of any sugars that you do eat, preventing them from being turned into fat.

Garcinia cambogia is a natural substance; it comes from the rind of a fruit that is grown in India and parts of Africa. Apparently, it was a folk remedy in those parts that was discovered by westerners in the past few decades, and refined into a form that can be easily taken as a dietary supplement. Though garcinia cambogia may well make you lose weight, and should be considered particularly if you tend to eat out of a sense of anxiety (that is, if you eating tends to be emotional rather than hunger-based) and if you, furthermore, tend to accumulate weight around your belly. Belly fat, besides being unattractive, is a bad thing from a health standpoint too. It usually indicates that your insulin levels are not adequately dealing with the level of sugar and starch that you are consuming, so these substances are being turned into fat instead. Over time, this means that you may be at higher risk of contracting diabetes, because that disorder is also caused by insufficient in inefficient insulin response.

Furthermore, carrying weight around the belly (like diabetes itself) is a risk factor for heart disease. To avoid contracting either of these potentially fatal conditions, try to regulate your intake of sugars and refined starches. Garcinia cambogia can help, too – it doesn’t regulate insulin response, but it can help you avoid accumulating fat in that area by stopping the formation of fat as a result of sugar and starch intake.

Garcinia cambogia is available from a variety or retail or internet sources. There are several brands available, with little difference between them. However, if you have a naturopath or natural pharmacy that you trust, you would do well to ask them about the specific product that they recommend. There are no known side effects of garcinia cambogia, so you can feel free to take it without worrying about any ill effects.

For more great information visit Gabae Weight Loss the premiere resource for weight loss, diets, nutrition and living a great healthy life style!

Also if you're looking for more informative articles check out Gabae Weight Loss Articles.


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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Natural Weight Loss, Easy Weight Loss, the List Goes on But What Really Gets You there?

Natural Weight Loss, Easy Weight Loss, the List Goes on But What Really Gets You there? has written by Thomas Kersting Platinum and he writes "I’ve always been a fan of hard work. Hard work has helped me achieve many things in my life, and there is no greater satisfaction than achieving a goal that was challenging. A feeling that cutting-corners can never bring.

These days we are bombarded with quick-fix messages from the media. Messages and scams that claim to bring easy weight loss, financial wealth, make us social butterflies, and achieve our dreams. Go out and buy the latest “ab machine” and before long you’ll have abs like Jessica Simpson. Try the “Money Making Secret,” and in no time you’ll be cruising the Caribbean on your private yacht, sipping martinis. There’s even some new pill out there that claims to turn you into “the life of the party” if you’re a little bit shy.

People are willing to try anything to get results except for the one thing that always works— good old-fashioned hard work. But it makes sense that we shy away from this because we can’t seem to escape all of the tempting “miracle solutions.” And they are so very convincing. You can’t turn on the television these days without seeing a commercial for some pill that claims to relieve stress, cure depression, help you with women’s issues and especially—help you to lose weight. And these commercials are so general that they apply to all of us and have us wondering hmmm….. maybe I am sad; maybe I am having trouble sleeping; maybe I could be a little more outgoing. Maybe this. Maybe that. But the ones that get me the most are those outrageous claims to weight-loss; the ones that claim that natural weight loss can be found in a pill.

I’ve come across countless people who pop diet pills like candy because they’ve “tried everything” but still can’t find that easy weight loss solution. When I ask them if they tried exercising most will say, “exercise? Are you kidding? I hate exercising.” And the truth always comes out with those who claim that they do exercise: there’s just no consistency. Putting on the running sneakers once a month is not exactly the definition of “an exerciser.”

Let’s be honest for a moment here. Are we suckers? Are we really that naïve that we believe a “super pill” is going to lead to easy weight loss? Or are we just getting plain lazy? If we’re not willing to “work” for something than it means we really don’t want it bad enough. It’s as simple as that. You’re not going to lose 30 pounds or get rock-hard abs if you don’t get on a treadmill or do sit-ups. That’s the reality. And I can assure you; pills aren’t going bring you natural weight loss.

This quick-fix world of ours is making our heads spin. We need to return to reality folks. We need to analyze what is really important to us and then work towards achieving it. In this life, there is no quick fix. Easy weight loss cannot be found in a bottle."

Thomas J. Kersting, LPC, Ph.D is the author of FAT PROOF: Power Programming Your Bodies Weight-Loss Computer (Harbor Press, coming in Winter 2006). Natural weight loss, healthy weight loss and easy weight loss is what Dr. Tom's power programming method creates. Please visit his website to sign up for his free e-newsletter or to receive a copy of his Power Programming Weight-Loss CD and a special free offer.

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Saturday, December 02, 2006

How to Curb Food Cravings at Night to Lose Weight Naturally

How to Curb Food Cravings at Night to Lose Weight Naturally has written By Jamie Clark and he writes "Wanna lose weight naturally and more quickly? Then you've got to control your nighttime food cravings! All food cravings are diet-killers, but the ones that hit you late at night seem to be the toughest to overcome. What's worse, late-night eating has been shown to be a leading cause of weight gain. Your body has much less need for calories at night, so anything you eat is more likely to be stored as fat.

According to a recent USDA study, overweight adults tend to eat significantly more calories at night than normal-weight adults, but they eat only slightly more calories at other times of the day. Another recent study from the University of Texas showed that it's much easier to overeat at night, mainly because late-night snacking seems less satisfying than snacking earlier in the day. Other studies have found that many people eat close to 50% of their daily calories at night!

Obviously, controlling your nighttime eating is vital if your goal is natural weight loss and better health. Of course, it's easier said than done. Here are some very effective tips for curbing food cravings at night:

1. Eat breakfast -- It's been proven that people who skip breakfast have a much harder time losing weight. By eating a big, healthy breakfast in the morning you'll give your body the energy it needs and dramatically reduce hunger and cravings later in the day..

2. Eat several small, healthy snacks and meals throughout the day -- People who eat small meals and snacks every few hours, earlier in the day, tend to feel better and have more energy. They also tend to eat fewer overall calories, especially at night. Keeping yourself from getting hungry may be the best craving-stopping technique out there!

3. Eat a "healthy-sized" dinner -- Don't make the mistake of eating too small of a dinner. You might think you're saving calories but you're just setting yourself up for hunger and food cravings later in the evening. Eat a good, medium-sized dinner that includes lots of high-fiber foods (like veggies, salads, and whole-grain breads, pastas, etc.). It's best to eat more protein and less fat and carbs at this meal because it's less likely to be stored as fat.

4. Keep your mind occupied at night -- Many people have a bad habit of eating when they're bored. They get home at night and "zone out" in front of the TV, often with a bag of chips or cookies at their side. It's called "mindless snacking" and it's a huge cause of weight gain, especially in America. Avoid the TV all together and replace it with something more interesting, like reading a good book, writing letters to friends, or doing a favorite hobby.

5. If you need to snack at night, choose healthy options -- It is possible to snack late at night without piling on the calories (and the fat). Fresh veggies and fruit are good, great-tasting options. So is low-fat, low-sugar yogurt and cheese. If you need something a little more "satisfying" have a piece of whole-grain toast with a small amount of natural peanut butter on top, a handful of mixed nuts, or a bowl of whole-grain cereal with low-fat milk. Finally, some people find that a cup of decaffeinated herbal tea really helps take their mind off food altogether.

Jamie Clark is a health researcher and writer. He is a co-editor of Learn more about natural weight loss at


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Friday, December 01, 2006

How To Lose Weight Naturally

How To Lose Weight Naturally has written By Tim Lee Platinum and he writes "Losing weight and managing to keep off the pounds has become an unreachable dream for most people. No matter what weight loss control program they go into, losing weight seems to be next to impossible.

For weight watchers who have been into a merry go round of various weight loss programs, losing weight is already a lost battle. They have done anything and everything to keep of the pounds without success that winning such battle would already be considered a miracle.

The present lifestyle as well as busy schedules of most people has forced them to eat anything that can be heated in the microwave for ten minutes, fried in succulent oil in five minutes or those foods that can be eaten immediately out of the can.

This lifestyle and food preferences has caused the rise in obesity cases all over the world. Along with obesity come the inevitable ailments like high blood pressure, diabetes, high uric acid and heart ailments, Added to that are the feelings of insecurity, inadequacy and depression due to being called a fatso..

The battle against fat has become so widespread and difficult that most people would ask if there is a way to keep weight gain and obesity from destroying their lives. There are people who have resorted to liposuction and non surgical ways of keeping the pounds off. Others have their usual doses of slimming pills and shakes.

If you are one of those who want to win over the battle of the bulge, then you may just find the solution with natural weight loss programs. Natural weight loss programs are called as such because they do not rely on artificial slimming pills, food or surgery to keep the fat off. Being on a natural weight loss program means taking advantage of what nature has to remain fit and not fat.

Other people go on diet by eating foods that are low in fat and high in calories. Rice-eating people prefer going on a low carbohydrate diet. Others stick to a high fiber diet or a no-eating after six in the evening diet. These diets may be natural but it only helps the dieter for a month or two and then the pounds keep coming back. This is because most diets allow a temporary weight loss that only targets the loss of water, body tissues and even muscles. Losing muscle is not the right thing because it lowers a person's metabolic rate or capacity to burn calories. When a person's metabolism drops, weight gain will surely follow.

Most people binge on food when they are depressed or in the middle of a stressful negotiation or occurrence in their lives. To avoid binging on food and gaining weight in the process, you must solve your problem and find ways to get over your depression. A person's self control can sometimes be the key to weight loss.

A natural way to keep the fats out of your belly is to eat more food. However, the foods you should eat should come from a certain category of food which they call non-caloric food. The name is really a misnomer because all foods have caloric, vitamins or mineral contents. However, such food groups are known as zero-caloric foods because the calories required to burn them is more than the caloric content of such food.

Among these zero-caloric foods are broccoli, asparagus, cucumber, pineapple, cabbage, apples, zucchini, lettuce and carrots. By eating more of these foods you satiate yourself and do not deprive your eating urges. However, the result is that you burn more calories as these foods require more calories to burn.

For advanced fat burning techniques, please visit

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