Thursday, August 31, 2006

All natural weight loss plan

All natural weight loss plan was written by Alberta McKain and writes "All natural weight loss plan should be as it follows:firstly you have to make sure you are getting enough vitamins and minerals in your diet from nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, lean meats, oily fish, oats, beans, nuts and seeds, and avoid wasting your daily calorie allowance on "empty-calorie-foods" (which contain calories but no nutrition), like regular sodas, alcohol, sweets and candy.

When you follow the all natural weight loss plan for health and weight loss,you should eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day! Eat at least 5 servings, preferably up to 9 or 12 servings, of fruits and vegetables each day. Fresh fruits and vegetables are all natural and loaded with enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and important phytonutrients such as carotenoids and bioflavonoids that protect us from cancer, heart disease, and most other chronic degenerative illnesses.Fruits and vegetables also provide us with fiber and they are great for health and weight loss..

The all natural weight loss plan must be sustained by a regular physical activity which is naturally very healthy.The physical activity not only burns calories, it also helps to speed up metabolic rate, which means we burn calories faster even when we stop exercising. (An hour of exercise keeps our metabolic rate elevated for 12-16 hours. ) It also maintains strong bones, and protects us against a wide range of conditions, such as: cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, some cancers, insulin resistance and diabetes, to name but a few. It also triggers the release of the so-called "happiness chemicals", called endorphins, which improve our mood. Finally, regular workouts help to actually reduce our appetite. Bottom line: keeping fit is a very effective way to maintain a healthy weight.

The best weight control is the all natural weight loss plan and the strategy here means doing two things:

(1)you need to change your daily routine and eat all natural food for weight loss and optimum health.

(2)you need to have a regular physical activity and exercise that helps you be more healthy,speed-up metabolism and become more healthy.

About the Author
I am a nutritionist woman who used to be fat. After testing tens of so-called "wonder diets" I've decided to create a Weight Loss Programs Review Website, containing a top of the 3 best programs with a brief description about their features and benefits.

Visit the website! It will help you make a wise decision!


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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Green Tea Diet For Weight Loss

Green Tea Diet For Weight Loss was written by Galia Ivanova and she writes "Green Tea has a long history, but I am sure everyone is aware of it, and is already bored to death reading about it. That’s why I will skip the past and go to present days. I will keep only the Chinese people’s green tea experience for later on in my article.

What is Green Tea Diet?

A Green Tea Diet is the regular intake of green tea. You may take green tea as a drink, pill or weight loss patch.

Health benefits of Green Tea Diet

Although green tea has been used for more than 4000 years in China for treating a wide variety of ailments, I will list some recent medical and scientific researches into the health benefits of green tea diet in short:

+ anti aging effect
+ refreshing effect
+ lowers high cholesterol levels
+ lowers blood sugar level
+ promotes dental health

Clinical tests have shown that Green Tea:

+ prevents cancer by inhibiting the growth of new cancer cells and killing existing ones
+ lowers high blood pressure and prevents hypertension
+ lowers risk of atherosclerosis
+ protects the heart and prevents cardiovascular disease
+ thins blood and prevents thrombosis, which is one of the causes of heart attacks and stroke

Green Tea Diet also helps you:

+ protect against Alzheimer's disease
+ prevent rheumatoid arthritis
+ improve insulin sensitivity in Type 2 Diabetes
+ improve immune system defenses to fight against viruses (such as flu)
+ promotes dental health

What makes green tea diet so special?

It’s all about the great antioxidant effect of the green tea extract. Green tea extract is one of the best natural antioxidants with extremely powerful and potent antioxidant components. Green tea takes 5th place in the list of the best antioxidants.

The antioxidant effect of green tea extract is due to the green tea flavonoid polyphenols (also called bioflavonoids) that protect your body sells from the damaging free radicals. Those free radicals are result from metabolism and have bad oxidative effect that can seriously damage your body cells.

The super antioxidant - Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG)

The polyphenols EGCG antioxidant is the most powerful compound of green tea extract. It is 100 times more potent antioxidant than Vitamin C and E.

Clinical tests have shown that EGCG inhibits the growth of new cancer cells and kills some existing ones without damaging the normal cells. EGCG also may prevent thrombosis, which is one of the causes of heart attacks and stroke.

Green Tea weight loss

To get rid of fat you either need to lower you food intake (follow a diet plan), or increase your energy expenditure (do exercising).

The green tea weight loss effect is due to the EGCG antioxidant that increases energy expenditure and accelerates fat burning. That makes Green Tea Diet a very smart choice for all people who hate strict dieting, or are tired of starving, or everyday exercising.

Green tea weight loss diet is a great way for everyone to lose weight easily and naturally, without any negative side effects.

For more information visit our blog. There you will find even more information about green tea at

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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Weight Loss the Easy Way!

Weight Loss the Easy Way! was written by and they write "With weight loss comes a lot of dedication and change of lifestyle. We can start with exercise, which is vital to all weight loss programs. A healthy body is the result of proper nutrition combined with a regular pattern of physical exercise. You weight loss will depend on how you intend to make it happen. It does not have to be difficult and you do not have to take weight loss supplements or pills.

Exercise improves the tone and quality of muscle tissue and stimulates the processes of digestions, absorption, metabolism, and elimination. It strengthens blood vessels, lungs, and heart, resulting in improved transfer of oxygen to the cells and increased circulation.

The key to any type of exercise is a strong will and a sincere desire to improve one's physical condition by weight loss. The best way to lose weight is doing activities or exercises that you enjoy and can have fun with..

An ideal weight loss program may include many different forms of the following exercises. Calisthenics consist of light exercises including sit-ups, push-ups, jumping jacks, which promote emphasis of building skeletal muscles. Dancing or rhythmic exercise is often an enjoyable way to exercise and lose weight, by toning the body. Isometrics involves the pressure of a muscle or group of muscles against each other or an immoveable object. It is good for spot reducing because it can be applied to a target area. Stretching is a natural exercise that should be practiced on a regular basis, and is a good habit to develop. It can improve energy and endurance, stimulate circulation, and alleviate stiffness. Walking is one of the best overall weight loss exercises, which help the entire system function better. Weight Lifting and exercise strengthen muscle tone, which is recommended with any weight loss management plan.

Above all, do not forget the recreational exercises as well; this will help to keep you on task with your weight loss goals.

The next step in that can help you is to add proper nutrition to your weight loss management plan. You need to understand what your body needs and how to consume the proper amounts of Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins, which are the primary sources of energy to the body. They supply the fuel necessary for body heat and work. This is essential to fast weight loss. Therefore, foods that are high in energy value are high in calories, while foods that are low in energy value are low calories. Fats yield about 9 calories per gram; carbohydrates and protein yield about 4 calories per gram.

By following the current food pyramid guide, you can reduce calories and with combined exercise (minimal), you take lose weight fast and easy. Remember to keep your body hydrated by drinking plenty of water and avoid soda, fattening foods such as chips, and cookies, etc.


1- Eat six mini meals a day- this will allow your body to eat more frequently curbing your appetite for snacking.

2- Drink at lease 64 oz of water a day, but the amount you drink should be based on your weight and size.

3- Choose healthy foods from each food group.

4- Include some weight lifting in your weight loss management plan, this will allow you to remain proper muscle tone while losing weight.

For more information, go to:

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Monday, August 28, 2006

Natural Weight Loss Products

Natural Weight Loss Products was written by Kevin Stith and he writes "Losing weight naturally without the aid of artificial drugs and surgery is termed natural weight loss. It basically comprises of diet and exercise in a fine balance. Lately natural weight loss has also come to include products having natural ingredients instead of laboratory-manufactured drugs. Manufacturers state that these products have no side effects and when used in conjunction with proper diet and exercise can prove to be very effective in weight loss. These products act as appetite suppressants and thus ensure lower food consumption. These also reduce sugar cravings while increasing the metabolism rate to burn unwanted fat.

Most users agree with the fact of absence of side effects barring a few exceptions. A downside that is complained of by many users is the gradual wearing off of the effect of these products over a period of time. One thing worth mentioning in favor of these products is the fact proven by research that rapid fall in body weight can be injurious to health rendering the physical processes of the body in disarray..

This is a common phenomenon in the use of other products. Weight loss should optimally not exceed a rate of two pounds per week for it to remain healthy and safe. Natural products address this problem as the weight loss attained through their use comes over a period of time and does not exceed the recommended rate of weight loss.

Among many natural products the ones most sold are-Puralin, Dexatrim, Acutrim and Metabolife356. The effects of these products cannot be guaranteed unlike other products that usually induce weight loss on a consistent level. Natural weight loss products may reduce weight drastically in some cases while they may be useless in others. The USP of these products is the claimed absence of side effects.

Weight Loss Products provides detailed information on Weight Loss Products, Best Weight Loss Products, Natural Weight Loss Products, Ma Huang Weight Loss Products and more. Weight Loss Products is affiliated with Natural Weight Loss Pills.

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Sunday, August 27, 2006

Lose Weight Find Hidden Calories

Lose Weight - Find Hidden Calories was written by Sheila Dicks and she writes "If it seems that you have been eating as usual and the pounds seem to be creeping on - you could be a victim of hidden calories.

When we are busy, stressed or focused on something else we reach for convenient snacks that are usually high in fat. This unconscious eating will add up to a whole of extra calories in the course of a day or week. This mindless eating is nothing more than a habit that can be broken.

To get this habit under control write down everything you eat for the next 3 weeks - everything! Be on guard for those times when you are more susceptible to unconscious eating..

At work:
You find bowls of candy on coworkers' desks
Your coworkers bring in doughnuts and pastries
Office gatherings - where you will always lots of fatty food

At home:
You're cooking dinner and sample the food - these calories add up
Your children don't eat all their food - you eat that too - more calories
While talking on the phone - there goes how many cookies?
When you are worried
When you are happy

Dining out:
You eat the bread that is served before the meal
You have a drink before your meal
You eat dessert which you usually don't do

Endless party snacks that are full of fat and calories
Talking while you eat is the easiest way to take in those extra calories
Then those drinks again - it is easy to stack up the calories

Watching Television:
We are so focused on what we are watching that we pay little attention to how much we are eating.

The first step is to tune in and be aware of those times that you do consume extra calories. Then find ways to avoid them. For example, how do you avoid the candies on coworkers' desks? First become aware of how many calories there are in each candy and how long it will take to burn those calories off. You will look at the candies differently when you think of them in this light. If high fat snacking is a temptation at work bring some low fat food to keep you full and your hand out of the candy jar. To avoid eating a lot at a party eat a little before you go so you won't be hungry and tempted to snack on everything you see. As for alcohol, you can delete your drinks with water.

One pound is equal to 3,500 calories. Depending on your gender, age, muscle mass, and size you need approximately 2000 calories per day to stay at your normal weight. When you consume more than this amount your body stores the added calories as fat. If you go over your daily requirement then you will have to exercise to get rid of those calories.

If you go to this site you will be able to calculate how many calories you need to maintain your weight. (The weight is in kilos)

Check out this site to find out how many calories are in candies and junk food:

About The Author
Sheila Dicks is a wardrobe and image consultant who teaches women how to look slimmer by dressing to suit their body type. Visit her at to download a copy of her e-book Image Makeovers and get How to Build a Wardrobe free.


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Friday, August 25, 2006

New High-protein Low-saturated Fat Diet the Answer to Weight Loss?

Is the New "High-protein Low-saturated Fat" Diet the Answer to Weight Loss? this article was written by John Tiniakos and he writes "The heated debate, within diet circles, that began a few years ago and continues today is over the effectiveness of the high-protein, low-carbohydrate, type diet versus its counterpart, the high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet.

To the delight of the Atkins diet enthusiasts, recent studies have suggested that a diet high in protein and low in fat has a greater effect on diet induced thermogenesis (calorie burning) than a high carbohydrate low fat diet.

Before we go further we need to familiarize you with a few terms we will be discussing in this article. Your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) is the total energy your body burns in a day. TDEE consists of 3 components: diet induced thermogenesis (DIT), basal metabolism, and physical activity..

DIT is the increase in the body's temperature that is caused by the digestion and absorption of a meal. This rise in temperature results in calorie burning. Yes, we actually burn calories simply by eating and scientists have long believed that DIT may be a factor, in reducing obesity; and that obese people may have defective DITs - although this hasn't been proven yet. Once scientists identify the link between DIT and obesity on a molecular level, it could essentially pave the way for the development of drugs in the treatment of obesity. That's still however, in the future.

In a recent study at the University of Arizona, published by the American College of Nutrition, a group of young healthy women were given 2 sets of diets. (1) One diet was high in protein and low in fat and the other was high in carbohydrate and low in fat. Scientists were trying to compare the thermic effect (DIT) of protein versus carbohydrate during the digestion and absorption of meals. Keep in mind, as the body's temperature increases (by DIT), so does the number of burned calories.

Evidence from this study showed that postprandial (following a meal) thermogenesis increased 100% more with the high-protein low-fat diet versus the high-carb low-fat diet. Although protein had a greater effect on DIT, the study did not evaluate weight loss or the long term effects of this type of diet. The results did suggest that this type of diet may have a positive effect on weight loss.

Scientists concluded that a diet high in protein, moderate in carbohydrate and low in fat contents may promote a higher rate of weight loss compared to the high carbohydrate, low fat diet. On the other hand, they also warn that high protein diets may affect kidney function in those that have kidney conditions, but not in healthy individuals.

Furthermore, they recommend daily protein intake should not exceed 2 grams per 1 kilogram of body weight. The American daily average is 1 gram per 1 kilogram. Further studies are required to assess the long term effects of high protein, low fat dieting.

It is important to keep in mind, however, that DIT or the thermic effect of a meal only represents 3-10% of total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). So we must keep things in perspective. Basal or resting metabolism accounts for up to 70% of TDEE and energy expenditure from exercise is responsible for the rest. Logic dictates, therefore that these two take precedence over DIT.

The other big influencing factor in weight loss is the reduction of daily food intake. Let's look at the input/output equation: x (Input) - y (Output) = z. Daily output and total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) are the same thing. If you ate fewer calories (x) than your body burned (y), z would have a negative value. If you consumed more calories than your body expended, z would be positive. A negative balance in the equation results in weight loss, a positive value causes weight gain. It's that simple.

In the above study, the high protein low fat type diet involves 2 factors of Input: Food composition and food quantity. In this diet, food composition (food selection) consists of a certain combination of macronutrients (high protein, low fat). Food intake (Input) affects the DIT which causes a certain increase (energy expenditure) on the Output part of the equation. And, as food composition varies so does the DIT. Food composition, though, can only have a limited effect on DIT. Remember DIT only represents 3-10% of the TDEE (Output). And food composition (high-protein, low-fat), accounts for a percentage of DIT, which represents even a smaller value. Food quantity, on the other hand, can have a tremendous effect on the equation - as it increases, the balance becomes more positive. If it surpasses TDEE then you gain weight - quite independently of DIT.

As a result, there can be a downside with respect to DIT involving the high-protein low-fat diet or any diet for that matter. With this diet, as protein intake increases so does the DIT. The problem is, however, that the food quantity (Input) also increases. The point here is that there is a limit to the amount of protein you can ingest before your body starts storing it as fat. Because DIT doesn't account for expending a lot of calories (3-10% of TDEE), and food composition (high-protein, low-fat) accounts for a percentage of DIT, there's only so much protein you can ingest before you start getting a surplus of calories. And excess dietary protein just as excess carbohydrate or fat is stored as fat in the body's adipose tissue. The only other factor that can compensate for the excess of protein intake is an increase in exercise participation. Although, that would defeat the purpose for obvious reasons.

Physical activity, however, can have a large effect on the Output part on TDEE (Output). Not only does it account for a much larger energy expenditure than DIT, countless of studies have shown that regular physical activity actually increases basal metabolism, which accounts for up to 70% of TDEE. As a result, regular exercise participation essentially has a compounding effect on the calorie burning process.

As we can see then, the bulk of weight loss and weight gain comes down to the quantity of calories ingested (Input) and calories burned (output). Furthermore, exercise and metabolism are responsible for approximately 90%-97% of TDEE. Energy expenditure from DIT is almost insignificant in comparison. DIT is just not effective enough to produce a negative caloric balance independently of total caloric intake, energy expenditure from exercise and basal metabolism - especially for most overweight individuals. And it would be unrealistic for overweight or obese people to rely exclusively on DIT to lose weight. These people are either overeating, aren't active enough or have low basal metabolic rates - or a combination of all three factors.

So, it still looks like there's no easy way out - you actually have to work, if you you're going to lose weight. The easiest way to achieve that is with the efficient use of all Input and Output components. That also means you must know your priorities. Most of your efforts should be spent in finding an adequate balance between a reduction of total daily caloric intake and a sufficient level of physical activity. And emphasis on DIT should take on a secondary role.

But wait, before you put on your running shoes and begin another diet plan, you might want to hear some very interesting news. There are certain cultures around the world whose diets contain just as much fat and carbohydrate (if not more) as in the American diet. Yet they are slimmer, and have much fewer occurrences of heart disease and cancer than their American counterparts.

Recent studies have shown that people in certain Mediterranean regions and in France manage to stay healthier and are less obese than those in other western countries. Let's look at the French first.

In a study by Adam Drewnowski of the University of Michigan, scientists examined the eating habits of 1,637 men and 1,576 women in America and compared them to those of 5,000 French adults. They studied their overall diets based on diversity (foods from 5 major food groups), variety (total number of foods consumed daily) and moderation (according to USDA dietary guidelines). (2)

The results were quite surprising. They found that the French ate more foods that were higher in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol than their American counterparts. The study also showed that the French diet complied with very few of the USDA dietary recommendations for eating healthy. In addition, the findings showed that 99% of French women's diets had saturated fat contents in excess of 10% of total daily calories. What's shocking is that, on average, the French are thinner and have fewer occurrences of heart disease than Americans.

The possible harmful effects of the high fat content in the French diet, however, were offset by diet diversity and variety. Drewnowski pointed out that "the low fat approach is very good but not if it comes at the expense of dietary variety."

The USDA recommends that diets should consist of a variety of foods. According to the American part of the study, just one in ten men and one in sixteen women consumed food from all five food groups (Meat, dairy products, fruits, vegetables and grains). The other thing is that the French have more active lifestyles than Americans do. Americans typically drive more, walk less and participate in more sedentary type of leisure activities.

Similarly, a Mediterranean diet study also showed that the diet was high in fat, more diverse and had greater variety than the American diet. According to research, certain Mediterranean people, particularly from the Greek island of Crete, had fewer cases of heart disease and were thinner than Americans.

The difference in this study, however, was a crucial finding that suggested food variety and diversity created a certain dietary ratio. This was a ratio between 2 types of fatty acids present in the Mediterranean diet. These fatty acids are found in plant sources and fall into 2 groups: The omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. You have probably heard of the multiple health benefits of these essential fatty acids many times before. They are called essential fatty acids (EFAs) because the body cannot produce them - they can only be obtained from food sources.

Although omega-6 fatty acids are essential to the diet, the omega-3 group has more significant therapeutic properties. Omega-3s contain powerful antioxidants that are known to fight against heart disease, lower blood pressure, strengthen the immune system, improve mood disorders to name a few.

The other benefit of omega-3s according to research is that they also have an amazing ability to control body fat. Omega-3s control the quantity of adipose (fat) tissue by regulating the amount of fat that goes into fat cells and the amount that is burned up for energy. (3, 4) Omega-3s have also been shown to increase fat oxidation in the body - the process by which fat is broken down and used as fuel for energy. (4) This further promotes a reduction in body weight that consists of fat mass.

According to scientists the key factor in diet composition is that the French diet and more so the Mediterranean diet consist of higher intakes of foods containing omega-3s than the American diet. In other words their diets contain a better (lower) omega-6 to omega-3 ratio than the American diet. And that's the key. One of the main reasons Americans have lower intakes of omega-3s is because of their high intake of processed food. Food processing is largely responsible for removing a lot of the omega-3 content from food.

On the other hand the French and Mediterranean diets are more abundant in whole foods, fresh fruits and vegetables. And so their intake of omega-3s is considerably higher. In addition, the people of Crete eat 10 times more fish (rich source of omega-3s) than Americans do. Other important sources of omega-3s in the Mediterranean diet were: fish, purslane (wild plant high in omega-3 content), walnuts, figs and various other unrefined carbohydrates. By the way, the most abundant source of omega-3s is found right here in North America, and that's flax seed oil.

As we can see, two different cultures manage to stay healthier and slimmer than North Americans while eating foods that contain high fat, carbohydrate and protein contents. The key differences are that their diets contain more unrefined foods; they consist of foods from all food groups and have more variety. As a result they have higher intakes of omega-3s (lower omega-6: omega-3 ratio) than other Western cultures. In addition, both these groups of people are more physically active than Americans.

Now, you can put on those sneakers and walk (or jog) to the supermarket for a new supply of fresh wholesome food.

1., "Postprandial Thermogenesis Is Increased 100% on a High-Protein, Low-Fat Diet versus a High-Carbohydrate, Low-Fat Diet in Healthy, Young Women, retrieved 10 June 2005 from
2., "Healthy diets need fat, according to new study", retrieved 22 June 2005 from
3. Parrish et al. "Dietary fish oils limit adipose tissue hypertrophy in rats." Metabolism, Mar 1990, 39(3):217-9
4. Parrish et al. "Dietary fish oils modify adipocyte structure and function." J Cell Physiology, Sep 1991, 148(3)
5. Baillie RA, et al. "Coordinate induction of peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidase and UCP-3 by dietary fish oil: a mechanism for decreased body fat deposition." Prostaglandins Leukot Essential Fatty Acids, May 1999, 60(5-6)

John Tiniakos helps make weight loss easier through proven weight loss methods using information and analysis from the worlds leading scientists.

For more information and to subscribe to his free monthly newsletter that includes valuable, up to date tips on diet, weight loss and health visit


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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Rejuvenation and the Protein Revolution

Rejuvenation and the Protein Revolution was written by Marilyn Diamond and she writes "If you're like me, you want to see some serious rejuvenation when you look in the mirror. But you're not interested in Botox, chemical peels, micro-dermabrasion, lypo-suction, jaw and cheek implants and all the other pricey, temporary, somewhat invasive "solutions."

If you're like me, I'm sure you spend at least a few minutes everyday making sure you're getting your protein. Who isn't focused on protein these days?

There's a protein revolution going on. It's happening in the chic restaurants in Santa Monica, California, where diet revolutions take birth. Hollywood stars with the prettiest skin and most slender, taut-muscled bodies are into it. Celebrity chefs are racing to master it. And web commerce businesses that push it are thriving..

It's the rage in Boston, the buzz in Miami, and it's spreading like wildfire from San Diego to Wichita to Philadelphia, PA.

You may as well jump on the bandwagon. It's going to overtake everything else in the diet world in the months and years to come. Why wait?

Why not be the first in your group to look like you just came from one of those $25,000 health spa experiences that took twenty-five pounds and twenty-five years off your life?

If you're worn out from the struggle to lose those annoying bulges, this is your kind of revolution. If you want to go to the jean size you wore when you know you looked your best, now's the time.

All you have to do is eat sprouts for protein.

Sprouts for protein? Who ever heard of that?

It's not a fad, really. Before we had fire, we knew the value of sprouting grains, legumes and seeds. We knew instinctively that Nature had created them as potent nutritional bundles of health and energy. Without science at our disposal to tell us what we needed, we automatically germinated and sprouted these concentrated natural sources of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids. We built our bodies on them.

Hung up on protein?

Amino acids are proteins in their most digestible form. Pound for pound, lentils and other sprouted beans give you as much protein as red meat, chicken or fish, with none of the fat, cholesterol, hormones, anti-biotics, and dangerous rendered feed residues found in animal proteins today.

Not to mention the cost.

The lentils and other beans you sprout in your kitchen cost just pennies per pound. Think about this next time you pull $10.00 out your wallet for a small package of skinless, boneless chicken breasts or fish fillets.

Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to rejuvenate?

Just this month, try something different. Grow fresh protein in your kitchen.

Simply purchase a pound of red or green lentils or mung beans. You'll find them in packages in your supermarket or in bulk in your favorite natural food store.

Measure out about a cup and soak them overnight in a covered container. Drain them in your colander and rinse them well to be sure you washed off all the natural inhibitors that keep them from sprouting until you need them to sprout. Now leave them right in the colander, on your kitchen counter, spreading them out a little so they don't clump together.

And watch what happens.

In only a few hours to just about a day, lentils and mung beans will start to grow little tails. As they begin to sprout, rinse them occasionally, and you'll see a miniature, kitchen garden of tiny, power-packed, living plants. When the tails are just barely visible, place the sprouts in an airtight container and store them in your fridge. They'll continue to sprout more slowly.

If rejuvenating weight loss is your goal, this is the clean, fat-free, practically instantly-absorbed protein you want for a beautiful body.

Now once, or twice a day, if you're motivated, add your sprouts to your salad. I say twice a day, because, like me, you may love this revolutionary high-protein, power-packed meal so much, you'll occasionally want it that often.

Not only for the slenderizing protein, but also for the abundance of vitamins and minerals, in readily available, economical form.


I mix my dressing directly into a large salad bowl, using twice as much fine quality olive oil as lemon juice, and adding some coarse Celtic sea salt, whisking this mixture into a creamy slenderizing dressing.

Now I add plenty of ripe, sliced tomatoes and some chopped basil, mint and thyme. The tomatoes and herbs macerate while I prepare the rest of the salad. I finely chop my favorite greens - baby spinach, mesclun, baby lettuces, romaine, butter or Boston lettuce, so they absorb lots of the dressing. I thin-slice unpeeled cucumbers and radishes. They add the silicon and sulfur I need for healthy hair, skin and nails. Sometimes, I toss in lots of oil cured olives, high in protein and fatty acids, and low in salt.

Time to add the sprouts from my kitchen harvest, about ½ to one cup per person.

Time to toss and toss to insure my REVOLUTIONARY HIGH PROTEIN SALAD is really well blended and combined. It should be like a live chop suey. I serve an ample portion, and eat it slowly, chewing well to appreciate the textures and flavors of living protein for my living body.

Are you sick and tired of how the years take their toll on your health? Are you bored and frustrated with all the confusing and contradictory diet fads and trends? Would you enjoy having so much energy you practically never run out? How about having the confidence to know each time you sit down to the dinner table that you're preventing, rather than causing disease?

You can watch the pounds and decades literally melt from your body.

You can take a vacation from high fat and high cholesterol foods for protein, and avoid the dangerous microbes these contaminated food sources carry.

You can do it.

Thousands of people are already experiencing these results and benefits. The revolution is happening all around you.

Why wait to be a part of this positive, growing trend?

About The Author
Marilyn Diamond of Fit for Life, is the co-founder with Dr. Donald Schnell of the SPIRITUAL JAVA DIET COACHING PROGRAM that is transforming thousands. The New Spiritual Diet, Incredible Value, One on One Coaching. Amazing Results. or email: Free

Motivational Newsletter, The Buzz,


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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

5 Ways To Make Protein Benefit You

5 Ways To Make Protein Benefit You was written by Lee Cummings and he writes "Imagine this ... What if you could -

Increase the rate of your metabolism.
Burn more stored body fat.
Maintain more muscle mass by eating protein rich foods.
Calculate the correct amount of protein needed for your body.
Learn about the best food sources of protein.

As you are looking for ideas, here is proven nutrition information about how protein can benefit you.

1. Are you aware that protein increases the rate of metabolism of your body because it is Thermogenic? - because it takes more calories to process protein rich foods and nutritional supplements..

"Thermogenic" refers to the normal Thermogenesis process your body goes through in digesting and using the food you eat and the burning of calories and fat from that food. i.e. - producing energy from the food you eat.

The body requires more calories to process or digest protein than it does to digest fat or carbohydrates. Thus your metabolism is raised by consuming protein rich foods.

Here is a good resource for more information about Thermogenesis:

2. Increase the rate at which your fat cells are able to burn stored fat!

You'll probably disagree with this, however...

Soy protein also contributes to the body's ability to burn fat because as you eat more protein your metabolism is raised and it enables your body to burn stored fat instead of storing more fat.

Dr. Robert Atkins - author of the Atkins diet, as well as Dr.'s Michael Eades and Mary Dan Eades - authors of the "Protein Power" books, all talk about the proven power of protein and the importance of soy protein in particular.

More about soy protein in a little bit...

3. Maintain muscle mass by eating plenty of protein rich foods.

Realize that by eating more protein rich foods, you will maintain muscle mass and more muscle mass means you will:

raise your metabolism

burn more fat

Understand that your muscle tissue needs protein to maintain itself and when your body does not get enough protein, one of the first places it will get protein is from your muscle tissue.

Let's also remember that one of the most important muscles in the body is your heart. You don't want to damage that muscle do you?

Remember, muscle is protein and protein is Thermogenic - When you do not eat enough or get enough nutrition, the body goes into a "starvation mode" and it will hang on to what it's got. That means it will hang onto fat stores as long as it can.

Since the body does not know when it will get more food or nutrition it is going to hang on to all the fat it has and begin to burn the protein found in your muscle tissue.

Eating less is not the best way to go because it starts to LOWER your metabolism and take away your ability to burn stored fat.

4. Are you feeling hungry when changing your eating habits to a more healthy lifestyle?

Maybe you are not getting enough Protein. You might be wondering just how much protein do I need?

Dr.'s recommend that you get nearly your body weight in grams of Protein. The average woman needs about 100 grams of protein every day. The average man needs about 150 grams of protein every day.

This is an average person who is moderately active. The more active you are the more protein you will need for your active lifestyle.

This is especially important if you are a person who works out several times a week. Protein and calorie intake are a concern when you are an active person who burns many calories (and potentially muscle) during a workout session.

Because it may be difficult to get enough protein without over eating, here are some suggestions to increase your protein intake while on your program.

Have you ever considered integrating a high protein (and preferably low carb) meal replacement shake into your daily diet? Whether you need to lose weight or not, nearly everyone can use more nutrition and protein in their daily diet.

Depending on your favorite shake mix, it could be anywhere from 9 to 18 grams of protein per shake and it will be loaded with vitamins and minerals your body needs.

Here is a suggested "Power Protein Shake" recipe:

Add 1/2 cup cold water and 3 Tbls of a High Protein low carb shake mix, to a blender.

Using the lowest speed blend the water and shake mixes together.

Then add 3 ice cubes, a banana or your favorite fruit and blend on a high speed for a special "Power Protein shake"!

More protein, fewer carbohydrates and calories than a regular shake mix made with milk or soy beverage are the benefits of the "Power Shake".

The "Power Shake" also helps to keep you feeling fuller and satisfied the during the day and will help you eat less while maintaining the benefits of a protein shake!

Another way to give your body more protein is to eat a High Protein Low Carb power bar which may have 8 - 15 grams of hunger fighting protein. These power bars always make a great snack.

Use this in combination with the Shake mix and your normal meal(s) to get all the protein your body needs each day!

5. Do you know what one of the best sources of protein is? Many people say beef or meat in general.

These are great sources of protein, however are you aware that one of the best sources of protein is Soy Protein?

We won't have the time to go into all the benefits of soy protein here, however there are some important points to highlight.

Plant-based Proteins, like those found in soy, have been proven to help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and elevate good HDL cholesterol. This contributes to less build up of bad cholesterol and helps prevent heart disease and clogged arteries.

This in turn helps prevent heart attacks and strokes. Products which contain soy protein may be able to carry the FDA approved "Heart Smart" symbol which means - "Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that include 25 grams of soy protein a day may reduce the risk of heart disease"

Animal Proteins vs. Plant-based Proteins -

Animal Proteins like meat and dairy, can be loaded with saturated fat and cholesterol. This type of protein can elevate the LDL (bad) Cholesterol when it remains in your diet for long periods of time.

Over the years, high LDL cholesterol in the blood combined with elevated homocysteine levels can lead to heart disease and clogged arteries. This in turn can lead to heart attacks and stroke.

So, try to replace high fat animal proteins with better cuts of meat - preferrably grass fed beef and plant-based proteins like soy.

Also, replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats like those in olive oil will help you avoid the negative health effects associated with high LDL cholesterol and saturated fats.

I know that reading this article has inspired you to take action.

When you follow these 5 tips, you may find that you can give your metabolism a boost and burn more stored fat because protein is thermogenic.

And because of this fact you can maintain more of your muscle mass by burning the protein you take in from food and supplements instead of burning the protein of your muscles.

Finally you will do your body well by taking in more high quality animal based protein and especially more soy protein which is good for your heart and circulatory system.

About The Author
Lee Cummings has been studying natural proven nutrition for 9 years. Because he has shown people how to get the results they want with natural proven nutrition, he has helped dozens of people feel better and gain energy over the last 4 years. Lee is the publisher of the monthly LC Nutrition newsletter. For more information on how proven nutrition will help you, visit;

Please feel free to use this article in your newsletter or on your website (with resource box included and use an active link). This article may not be used in any e-mail promotions that do not conform with federal law. If you use this article, please send a brief message to let me know where it appeared:


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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Secrets of The South Beach Diet

Jane E Morris has written Secrets of The South Beach Diet and writes "Open any Women's magazine, Health magazines or Family magazines, and you will see yet another diet fad of some sort mentioned. Some come with great prominence, like Atkins, and others just pop up, and never get a great following.

The South Beach Diet is touted as another "big leap" to the slimming arena when it was first formulated by Dr. Arthur Agatston who found out that some of his patients were having little progress by using the traditional low carb-high fat diet plans.

Generally, the South Beach Diet is such an acclaimed form of diet that is mainly divided into three different phases. There is an introductory period of two weeks, a second build-up phase , and then the third phase is a lifetime diet pattern that you should continue for the rest of your life..

It is considered that the first phase of the South Beach Diet lasts for two weeks. And it is interesting to know that every phase of the South Beach Diet includes particular meal plans and recipes.

For those who have tried the Atkins Diet, ( and I have - the first Phase of Atkins is indeed 'purgatory' in my opinion) you may react that the South Beach Diet with such introduction to its phases really sounds quite similar to that of Atkins, but then try to note that the South Beach Diet is a low-carb diet. The Atkins diet was of course a No-Carb, High Protein diet.

The first phase of the South Beach Diet is the strictest part of this "big thing". Here, the dieter will be totally eliminating fruits, bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, sugar, alcohol, and baked goods for two weeks from the start of your diet.

Such exclusion of these items is the primary reason why some people may assume that the South Beach Diet is a low-carb plan. With such given fact, the dieter therefore will be eliminating many foods that he or she may be accustomed to eating such as a roll with dinner or a banana in the morning, and say babushka to junk foods. But then, after the set two weeks are done, the dieters are now free to add back what is excluded from their diets.

Moving on the the second phase.

Now here, the idea is to slowly re-introduce to your diet, foods that were restricted in Phase 1. There is no time limit in this phase, and you may drip back into Phase 1 if you want to. The idea is to keep on phase two until you reach your target weight.

The second phase of the South Beach Diet involves the discipline of slowly adding the foods that were off-limits before. So the dieters can now begin to add bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, or cereal to their meals. The choice is just up to them. In fact, at this phase of the South Beach Diet, the dieter can add fruit too, if he or she wishes. It is interesting to know that this diet provides the dieters the freedom to choose which of those foods they will add back into their diet. Thus, the key in this phase of the South Beach Diet is to re-introduce those foods in moderation and to not take them as always as before. One again, in contract t the Atkins diet, I just love fruit, and was one of the things that I just could not get to grips with in the Atkins regime.

And finally - Phase three.

Finally, as the third phase of the South Beach Diet enters, the final and the least restrictive phase of the South Beach Diet emerged. It is noted by Dr. Agatston himself that as long as a dieter follows the fundamental rules of the South Beach Diet, he or she will continue to manage his/her own weight until it becomes a way of life.

Like all diets, they are not suitable for everybody. Try it, persevere for several months, but don't just switch from diet to diet until you are really certain whether one works or not for you.

Jane Morris has a number of established health and beauty web sites. For more information on the South Beach Diet, visit her On-Line Guide at


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Fat Loss Exercise Strategies

Fat Loss Exercise Strategies was written and he writes "How many calories you consume has a big impact on fat loss or gain. If you eat more calories than your body is able to burn will result in weight gain. The best thing about exercise is that the more you do the less you have to worry about calories and you are able to stimulate fat loss.

By burning 500 calories a day you can lose 1 pound of body fat in one week. By combining exercise with a reduction in calories you are able to make it easier to attain a calorie deficit. By riding a stationary bike for a half hour and reducing 200 calories from your daily caloric intake you can create the 500 calorie deficit without having to starve yourself or exercise yourself to exhaustion. 200 calories a day can be as small as a plain baked potato, one slice of pizza, or 1 cup or cooked spaghetti..

Another advantage of exercise is that after you exercise your resting metabolic rate (RMR) is elevated for several hours. Weight training has a longer effect on your RMR than aerobic exercise. Recent studies have shown that the raise in the resting metabolic rate from weight training can last up to 36 hours depending on the intensity of the weight training session.

Exercise helps preserve muscle tissue, which when trying to lose weight is a dieters advantage. Lean body mass (muscle) burns more calories per day than fat tissue. This is why building muscle mass is important when trying to lose weight. The more muscle that you build the more calories you will burn resulting in greater fat loss.

Calories burned during weight training plus a raised resting metabolic rate and increasing lean muscle mass resulting in a higher metabolism can help you shed pounds faster than just dieting and doing aerobic exercise alone.

Losing weight does not necessarily mean that you have to cut calories. Strength training at high levels of intensity and eating quality nutritious low fat foods will take care of the extra fat you are carrying on your body. Research has shown that people who begin a weight training program need 15 percent more calories to just maintain their current body weight.

By adding aerobic exercise to your workout routine can also help in expending extra calories. Or just increasing the intensity of your weight training, that is lifting heavier weights or shortening rest periods, will burn more calories.

It is important to combine exercise and a healthy diet so that boredom or the feeling of being deprived does not ruin your weight loss goals. Also to remember not to eat the same exact things day after day and do the same exercises all the time. After 12 weeks the body learns to adjust to things, and with exercise this means that the body gets more efficient at not using so much energy to be able to do the activity. Change your exercise routine every 2 months so as to keep your body guessing and burning fat. A change in routine can be as much as doing the exercises in different orders, changing intensity, adding new exercises, or just doing a whole new routine.

Follow these tips and within 12 weeks of doing weight training and eating a healthy low fat diet you should start to see changes in your body.

Josie Anderson is a personal trainer and is the owner of providing weight loss resources to help with many weight loss goals and newsletter to keep you up to date on the latest in the health and fitness industry.


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Monday, August 21, 2006

Exercise Resistant Fat Removed with Liposuction

Exercise Resistant Fat Removed with Liposuction was written by and they writes "Liposuction works best with people who are a normal weight but have localized areas of excess fat. These spots are usually found in the buttocks, hips, thighs, chin, knees, love handles, or along waistline. The abdomen continues to be the number one area treated by liposuction.

Liposuction removes areas of fat using thin suction tubes. Small incisions are made and these tubes are placed into your body fat. The tube attaches to a vacuum and the excess fat is drawn out of your body. The length of the procedure depends on the amount of fat being removed and the way your body responds to the treatment.

It is important to remember that liposuction is not intended as a weight-loss technique. Liposuction is a procedure used to remove excess fat from otherwise healthy individuals. If you are a healthy, normal-weight person with elastic skin or pockets of excess fat, you may be a good candidate for liposuction surgery.

"Liposuction is a safe, effective way of removing undesirable fat deposits," says Dr. Delgado, a plastic surgeon in San Francisco. "The benefits of liposuction are more than just physical. If you are unhappy with concentrated areas of fat, liposuction can give you renewed confidence and self-esteem."

For more information on liposuction and other cosmetic surgery procedures available in San Francisco and the surrounding area, please click here.


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Sunday, August 20, 2006

Lose Weight Naturally and Safely - Fighting Obesity with Natural Weight Loss

Lose Weight Naturally and Safely - Fighting Obesity with Natural Weight Loss was written by Victor Lensora and he writes " Due to the huge health hazards associated with obesity, it is important for those who are overweight to try and lose weight, and get back into shape. Arguably more importantly is that when doing this, they do it in a safe manner. Through this article, I will try and guide you in ideas and methods to lose weight safely!

Okay, to lose weight, calories used per day by the body needs to be greater than calories consumed per day. Below is a variety of ways to help you on your way!

* Firstly, during your everyday life, you can take lots of small easy steps to help burn some extra calories. Rather than taking the lift/elevator/escalator, take the stairs, although this is minor, through the week, it all adds up. This is probably the easiest of all methods to implement into your day to day life. This method itself is unlikely to help you shed lots of pounds, but in conjunction with other small ideas for example get off at a bus stop ahead of your desired destination, and walk the final leg of your journey, or even better, cycle the whole of your journey while following a few of the tips on eating below, and you should find yourself losing weight in no time..

* This is obvious, but you should try to cut down on fatty foods, fast food is a huge culprit for clogging up your arteries with cholesterol and piling on the pounds. For example, there are several fast food meals that contain over a whopping 1000 calories, to put this into perspective, women should eat 2000 calories a day, and men 2,500! So that's nearly half of your daily calorie allowance in one meal that is not even likely to sustain your hunger for more than a couple of hours and so should be avoided. Also when shopping, when buying low-fat products, you should be careful to look at the nutritional information, quite commonly the food manufacturers replace the fat with sugar. Excess sugar that is not needed by the body is converted into glycogen and is stored as fat.

* Avoid fizzy drinks e.g. coca cola, these drinks are packed with sugar and as a result contain loads of calories, replace these with healthier drinks such as water and you'll find yourself cutting back on lots of calories, as well as saving your teeth and some extra cash.

* Try and do at least 30 minutes of exercise at least 5 days of the week, this could just be a walk round the local park, football in the garden with friends, or a gentle game of tennis. The goal for losing weight is to use more calories than you consume, this exercise will help you on your way.

* Around 50-60% of your daily calories are recommended to come from carbohydrates. Try to make as many of these from foods that are high in complex starchy carbohydrates, opposed to sugary carbohydrates.

* Be sure to watch you portion size, often portion sizes are much smaller than you'd expect, if you are counting calories, be sure to only eat the portion size that it recommends, otherwise take into account the extra calories that will be consumed by the large serving.

* When you feel you need a snack, rather than reaching for a snickers or a couple of biscuits, replace these high calorie snacks with some fruit. Not only will you eat fewer calories, but you will also consume vitamins and minerals which the body requires.

* Personally, I do not recommend diet pills; this is due to negative side affects that some will produce. Furthermore there is no guarantee that you will lose a noticeable amount of weight, and there is a good chance that you will just put it straight back on.

Implement a number of the above points, and you should start to burn more calories and consume less, and in turn, lose weight! Remember the golden rule that is, to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume! A happier and healthier life awaits you.

About the Author
Victor Lensora - Owner of the Awesome Health Website Along with the brand new blog helping you with loads of tips to lose weight without endangering your health!

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Lose Weight the Healthy Way

Lose Weight the Healthy Way was written by Marlene Mathis and she writes "It's definitely no fun to lose weight -- put it back on, lose weight, put it back on, and so on. Just as you learn the rules of a new diet, you find yourself trying to get around them. What if all you had to do to lose weight was to eat less?

You may think it can't be done. However, experts say it can. Of course it sounds simpler than it is, but it's no more difficult to commit to healthy eating habits than it is to follow the diets most of us have tried.

In the end, it will actually be easier because you will feel less restricted as you begin to learn how to eat right instead of how to follow the rules of the newest popular diet. Here are a few tips to help you started:

Eat smaller portions, including items with protein, fat, and fiber in each meal. This combination is the one that researchers have found effective in helping to keep hunger pangs away.

Drink two full glasses of water with each meal. It will help you feel full and keep your body hydrated.

Eat breakfast. This critical meal jump-starts your metabolism for the day. But avoid empty calories like those found in doughnuts, many cereals, and sugar-laden pastries. They will only leave you feeling tired and hungry by mid- morning. For best results, eat items with plenty of protein and fiber.

Don't count calories or weigh food. Simply use the palm of your hand as a portion control guide. Most of us are fully aware of what a 'too large' portion looks like. We also know how it makes us feel. You should never feel bloated or stuffed-eat only until you are not hungry. You really aren't giving up anything if you save the rest for later. If it helps, think of it as taking a break when you set food aside for another time.

Give up something. It might be your nightly glass of wine, chocolate bars, or regular soft drinks. Then, commit to doing without the item for one full year. You'll find that you'll feel better without the sugar, caffeine, or alcohol. You certainly won't miss the calories as your waistline begins to shrink.

Identify your comfort food. What is it that you reach for in times of stress? Pizza, fried chicken, or a burger with fries all seem to top the list of foods people reach for when feeling down, anxious, and tired. Instead of reaching for food to comfort you, engage in a favorite activity. Go golfing, take a walk through your neighborhood, or hop on your bicycle for a quick spin.

Be aware that food is often used as substitute for other types of satisfaction. Take a look at your job, your family life, and your spiritual connections. Work to improve areas that are causing you discomfort and you will see the desire for unhealthy food fade away. Maybe it's time to start looking for a new job, go back to college, or find a church.

Taking control of your weight is more about taking control of your life than anything else. Don't allow yourself to make decisions based on food. Why be chained to someone else's diet rules when you know yourself better than anyone else. Put that knowledge to work, and watch your weight disappear.

If you want to make weight disappear faster, and to help keep those pounds off, be sure to exercise regularly. Walking 30 minutes daily is something most people can achieve and keep it up right into the senior years.

About The Author
Marlene Mathis is webmaster at Ana Health, the comprehensive health information resource. Subscribe to her ezine Health Vista at


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Thursday, August 17, 2006

The One and Only Way to Lose Weight

The One and Only Way to Lose Weight was written by and they writes "There is only one way to lose weight

There really is only one way to lose weight. You have to burn more calories than you use in a day. It sounds clinical and counting calories is probably going to be involved. Every weight loss program on the market today uses one or a combination of the following methods. So whether you do it yourself or through weight loss programs, this is the only way you will lose weight. Find many to choose from at

1. Eat less calories
Eat less calories than you use in a day. You have to make your body convert stored fat into calories for energy. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to eat less food. But you are going to have to modify your eating habits. More on that later. Unfortunately, your body can also use muscle as energy too. As a survival instinct, your body is programmed to keep as much stored energy as possible. When you start to eat fewer calories than your body normally uses in a day it will begin to think that food is not as plentiful. You will begin going into starvation mode. Your metabolism will slow down to use as little energy as possible to get through whatever hard times your body thinks it is going through. Fat is the storage vehicle for your body's energy. But energy can come from both fat and muscle. Muscle, however, uses energy (calories). So it makes sense that your body would use your muscle first (through catabolism) and then go after the fat. Your body's main initiative, after all, is to keep you alive as long as possible. So it's going to be somewhat of a battle to balance out getting rid of fat over muscle. That's why exercise is so important when trying to lose weight. Read on for the important benefits of exercise.

2. Exercise
Exercise will preserve the muscle you have, and it will increase the amount of fat you burn. As long as you are not eating more than normal to compensate for the exercise, you should be burning more calories and hopefully building muscle which will require more energy and thus also burn more calories even when you aren't exercising. It's always good to check with a health care professional before beginning any exercise program to see how much exercise you are allowed. Of course, different exercises will use more calories than others.

3. Raise your metabolism
While exercise can help to raise your metabolism there are other natural weight loss programs and pharmaceutical ways to go about it too. Several natural programs can be found at Again, check with a health care professional before using any kind of products to raise your metabolism. Even some of the natural ones can be dangerous to your health. Your thyroid is what controls your body's metabolism. It's a small gland located in your neck. Hypothyroidism and other conditions may cause it to function less than normal. If you have trouble losing weight, it may be an indication that you need a thyroid supplement. Your doctor can determine this by doing a simple blood test. It may return things back to normal so you can lose weight easier. Doctors can also prescribe weight loss medications, which not only suppress your appetite, but they also boost your metabolism to enhance weight loss. Stimulant medications can have other adverse side effects such as increased heart rate and high blood pressure. Fortunately, there are some natural alternatives that do not have these side effects and can help you lose weight. One of the more popular supplements today is green tea extract.

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More information on the benefits of green tea can be found at . Free trials of green tea patches and instant beverages are available while supplies last. Find out the (benefit of green tea for yourself today. And, learn more about the new superfood - the amazon super berry - acai. Acai may be the most nutritious and powerful food in the world. MonaVie is the next generation of health food.


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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

20 Ways to Lose Weight

20 Ways to Lose Weight was written by Sheila Dicks and she writes "1. Take it one step at a time

Start by paying attention to what you eat. Cut back on fat and sweets and add more fruit and vegetables. After you have that under control, add exercise. If you hate to exercise try it for only 15 minutes a day at first, then a 1/2-hour. Keep in mind that while you are exercising you are burning calories and not eating. Also, it will be easier if you chose an activity that you enjoy.

2. Find a friend
It is always good to have support when you are trying to lose weight. Find a friend who wants to lose weight and compare notes, weigh-in together and maybe even have a contest..

3. Use weights
Working out weights will build muscle and raise your metabolism so you will burn more calories. Also, muscle takes up less space than fat so you will be smaller ( but probably weigh more).

4. Eat fewer carbs
Don't eat as much bread and pasta and you will see a difference.

5. Set a goal
Set a deadline to lose the weight and write it down. For example, ' By Dec 14/04 I will weigh 150 lbs or less'. Put it somewhere you will see it daily.

6. Give up soda
If you drink a soda or 2 a day you are adding empty calories. If you find it hard to stop completely, cut back at first and drink water instead.

7. Grill or boil
Avoid fried meat, grill and use lots of spices. You will get used to it and probably enjoy it more.

8. Don't buy junk food
When you go shopping, don't go on an empty stomach and you will be less likely to buy junk food. Keep your home 'junk food free' so you won't be tempted to indulge.

9. Eat breakfast
Consume most of your calories early in the day and always eat breakfast. Don't eat after 8pm and not only will you avoid those added calories but you will sleep better.

10. Give yourself a treat
When you tell yourself that you can't have something you want it more. Give yourself a treat once a day ( ie. half a cookie) and you won't feel you are missing out.

11. Use smaller plates
Trick yourself into believing that you are eating more by using a smaller plate.

12. Drink lots of water
Drink water when you are feeling hungry and you will get that 'full' feeling.

13. Don't eat everything on your plate
Many times we eat just because it's there. Pay attention to when you have had enough.

14. Eat five or six meals a day
Eating more frequently will keep you from getting too hungry.

15. Plan your workout sessions
Write your workout sessions in your journal or planner.

16. Stay away from fad diets
Fad diets don't work. If you lose weight fast chances are that you will gain it back ( and more) just as fast. It takes time to put it on and time to take it off.

17. Do several workouts a day
While you are watching TV do crunches and leg lifts.

18. Measure your food
If you decide to have junk food for a snack - be sure to measure and control what you eat.

19. Keep pre-cut vegetables
...and ward off those cravings.

20. Create Good Habits
It is a known fact that when we do something twenty-one times it becomes a habit. Create good eating habits.

Sheila Dicks is a wardrobe and image consultant who teaches women how to look slimmer by dressing to suit their body type. Visit her at to download a copy of her e-book Image Makeovers and get How to Build a Wardrobe free.


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Losing Weight is All About Counting Calories Carbs and Exercising

Jan Barosh has written Losing Weight is All About Counting Calories/Carbs and Exercising. Or Is It? and writes "5 Tips to Consider When You Want To Lose Fat Forever.

With two thirds of our population overweight (one third in the obese category), watching our weight is no longer something we are doing to look more appealing, or perhaps thinking about doing. It has become a necessary action to prevent disease and increased health costs.

With physical activities being curtailed in schools and backyards and more opportunity to sit in front of televisions, computers and game boys, even our children are joining the ranks of the sedentary lifestyle which promotes an overweight population. Adult diseases are becoming more prominent in children. Adult onset diabetes has been renamed to accommodate all the children who are being diagnosed with it, some as early as in infancy..

So if you have "given up" because counting and exercising hasn't worked for you, consider the following five tips. Which ones can help you?

1. Check to see if you are sabotaging yourself in any way. Many of us find very unique ways to sabotage ourselves. Even though they may not be related to food, they can play havoc with our weight. Sabotage happens often when we are not aware of it. Becoming aware of sabotage is important, but it is only the first step. We must also be ready to move past our sabotage. If we ignore the sabotage and continue to try to lose weight . . . well you know the story.

2. Get the right nutrients. It's not just about the right amount of carbs, fats or protein. A proper balance of the nutrients contained in those carbs, fats and proteins can play a part in whether or not you will lose weight happily and keep it off or if it is just another diet that you must endure to wear a smaller size. A client of mine said it best when she told me she "dieted her way up to morbid obesity". She started at 106 lbs and after years of dieting peaked out at 255 lbs.

3. Use a balanced approach to lose and maintain your weight. Yes, it is important to watch what you eat. Yes, it is imperative to exercise so you don't lose lean mass (muscle, bone, organ tissue). It is also important to examine your stress levels and where that stress is coming from. We all must eat. We all must move. We even must have some stress. But what kind of food, exercise and stress and how much we should have of each of them is important. A good balance of each individually and in balance with each other is of major importance in reaching and maintaining our weight goals.

4. Tweak your lifestyle. Lose 20 lbs in 10 days! Look great in your bikini in just 30 days! We are led to believe that weight loss is a quick-fix and anyone can do it. I went to college with a beauty queen who told us she could lose 5 lbs in a couple days when she had an appearance to make. At the time I was impressed. Now I know that we can all do it. All we have to do is quit drinking water and eating food. The food in our digestive system at any one time and the water in our blood and cells can easily weigh 5 lbs. But isn't weight loss supposed to get rid of fat?

Well, the scale doesn't know the difference. Success in long-term weight loss comes from understanding that the extra pounds didn't come on in a few weeks or even a few months. If we are willing to make weight loss/ management a long-term project, we can realize a lifetime of success. By making small, progressive changes in our lifestyle, and having an appropriate support system, we set ourselves up for a happier, healthier journey to our weight goals.

5. Forget about losing weight and strive to be healthy. Have you every met anyone who has dieted for decades and all they got was sporadic success with long-term failure? Then when they finally decide to learn to love themselves as they are (all ??? pounds of themselves), and turn their attention to becoming more healthy. . . the weight starts dropping off! Well our body doesn't care what we look like but it does care if we are healthy. Our bodies are continually striving for homeostasis (a state of balance).

When our bodies are balanced, we are healthy. When something is out of balance, our organs and cells will work hard to bring it back into balance (no wonder we get tired). When we sabotage (there's that word again) our bodies by not giving them the nutrients and exercise they require and/or giving them too much or the wrong kind of stress, they can become overworked, resulting in loss of energy, weight gain (or inappropriate loss) and/or disease.

So if you want to look your best and feel energized, you may want to change your thoughts from losing weight to gaining health. Just the fact of changing your thinking patterns from losing to gaining can put you into a more positive mental state and could be the first step on your personal journey to your goals.

© Jan Barosh 2004. Permission is granted to reprint this article in print or on your web site so long as the following paragraph is included and contact information is provided to

Jan Barosh's degree is in health and physical education with post- graduate work in exercise science and psychology. She is a licensed corporate wellness coach and a certified teleclass leader and has helped adults and children be more healthy and fit for over 25 years. Jan has developed a unique weight management program called LifeWeight? which is being taught in the US and licensed for distribution in the UK.


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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Walk Your Way to Weight Loss

Walk Your Way to Weight Loss was written by Bob Tracz and he writes "The sovereign invigorator of the body is exercise, and of all the exercises walking is the best." Thomas Jefferson

The problem of obesity is growing (pardon the pun) in America and it doesn't appear that dieting alone is helping people with their weight loss goals.

Millions of Americans are trying to achieve weight loss, spending approximately $30 billion a year on diet, weight loss programs and weight loss products; and often they do lose some weight - for a short period of time. If you check with these same people five years later, you will find that nearly all have regained whatever weight they lost making their weight loss temporary at best.

A national panel recently sought data to determine if any commercial weight loss diet or weight loss program could provide long-term weight loss success. Not a single program could do so..

Although your weight may initially drop while dieting the weight loss consists mostly of water and muscle. And when the weight returns, it comes back as fat.

That's not to say that reducing your caloric intake won't aid weight loss. It simply means dieting alone won't lead to the kind of sustained weight loss you would like to achieve.

It was found that people who diet without exercising often get fatter with time. So exercise is crucial to getting healthy, sustained weight loss results.

A recent national study noted that there was a significant relationship between lack of physical activity and fat. If you want to reduce your body fat, focus on increasing the amount of activity you do rather than decreasing your food intake.

The kind of weight loss you want is possible, you don't have to spend a lot of money to achieve it and you don't need to diet. You don't need to join a gym, nor do you need special clothing, equipment or facilities to achieve this weight loss.

The kind of weight loss I'm talking about can be achieved at work while you're working or at home wile you're doing your daily chores around the house. You can achieve the kind of weight loss you want working alone or with others although it is more fun when you work with others. And, your motivation will be better as well.

Another great exercise is to do push-ups - from the dinner table that is. In general increase your overall activity level through the day. Your activities don't even need be strenuous.

Just increasing you overall general activity level (such as climbing the stairs, minute-to-minute movement in the office or at home, shovelling the driveway, mowing the lawn, even showing just a little excitement and enthusiasm) are things that more effectively burns calories and reduces body fat than a half-hour aerobic workout.

Walking is another great exercise for strengthening bones, weight loss, toning the leg muscles, maintaining good posture and improving positive self-concept.

In order to lose weight, it's more important to walk for time than speed. Walking at a moderate pace yields longer workouts with less soreness - leading to more miles and more fat worked off on a regular basis. High intensity walks on alternate days help condition one's system. But in a walking, weight-loss program, you are not required to walk an hour every day as some people would have you believe.

To avoid getting fatter over time, increase your metabolism by exercising regularly. However, common sense tells us that exercising without maintaining a balanced diet is no more beneficial than dieting while remaining inactive. When it comes to good health and weight loss, exercise and diet are inter-related.

Robert Tracz is a researcher, author and speaker. More free weight loss insights can be found at and

Bob Tracz is an author, researcher and speaker. You can reach him with questions at and, websites dedicated to bringing you the best weight loss articles and sites available on the internet.


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Monday, August 14, 2006

2 Ways To Start Burning More Calories Today

2 Ways To Start Burning More Calories Today was written by Christopher Guerriero and he writes "1. Start Exercising first thing in the morning.

As soon as you wake up in the morning workout for at least 30min to an hour. Studies show that working out in the morning has been shown to burn up to 3x as more fat as opposed to working out at any other time during the day.

Here's Why:

During the day your body's main source of energy is the carbohydrates that you get from eating your meals. As you sleep at night for 6+ hours your body uses up all those carbohydrates as energy for various bodily functions that go on even while you sleep. When you wake up in the morning your body doesn't have any carbohydrates as energy to use and it will look to burn body fat instead for energy..

For you to take advantage of this morning fat burning opportunity you have to exercise first thing in the morning. Don't eat breakfast because if you do you'll just give your body some carbohydrates as a source of energy instead of the body fat that you want to burn for energy.

Another great thing about working out first thing in the morning is that your metabolism gets revved up after your morning workout. Morning workouts keep your metabolism elevated throughout the day. An elevated metabolism throughout the day only means that you'll burn more calories and lose more weight.

If you workout at night you may still burn fat while you workout but as soon as you go to sleep your metabolism will slow down and you'll miss out on all the extra fat that you can burn during the day if you had exercised in the morning. When you sleep your metabolic rate is always at its slowest.

Other reasons why its good to exercise first thing in the morning is that you get the workout out of the way, and working out in the morning will also reduce your level of stress throughout the day.

Advanced Tip: Want to burn even more fat? Add another workout to your daily routine 4-6 hours after your morning workout. Keep your already high metabolism higher by adding a 2nd workout during the day.

If you're seriously thinking about adding a 2nd workout to your daily routine then try to do your cardio workouts in the morning. Mostly fat calories are burned doing cardio at a moderate intensities. Make your 2nd workout of the day a workout with weights. Mostly carbohydrate is burned doing weight-training workouts.

The muscle that you build from weight training will also help you burn fat. 1lb of Muscle burns 50 calories a day or 1lb of fat every 70 days. Not only will you be burning more calories, you'll look better - whatever your weight is.

2. Eat Breakfast

Another way to keep your metabolism revved up all day long is to eat breakfast. After you workout in the morning as discussed earlier, just have breakfast and you'll give your body the perfect 1-2 combination to jump start your metabolism.

Eating breakfast in the morning is what gets your metabolism started. Don't skip breakfast and wait until mid-morning or afternoon to eat, your metabolism will run slower causing you not burn any extra fat.

Think about this way-Your metabolism is a fireplace that'll burn fat all day long for you if you operate it correctly. When you eat breakfast you are basically throwing a log onto that fireplace to get it started burning fat.

Eating breakfast will help stop those cravings you may have later on in the day and along with working out in the morning, eating breakfast will also keep you energized throughout the day and lower stress levels.

Advanced Tip: Instead of eating only 2 more meals during the day like lunch & dinner, try to eat 4-5 more small mini-meals spaced 2-3 hours apart during the day. Remember the fireplace?

By eating these mini-meals you'll be throwing just the right amount of "wood" on the fireplace to keep your metabolism burning calories throughout the day. Don't shut down your metabolism by eating big lunches or dinners, keep that metabolism of yours burning fat all day long.

Morning Checklist

1. Workout for at least 30min after waking up in the morning

2. Eat a healthy breakfast

3. Burn fat & lose more weight during the day

Use these 2 tips to reveal that six-pack, fit into that dress or those pants for an upcoming event like a wedding or reunion, or to impress that your spouse or co-workers. Whatever your fitness goal is these 2 tips above will surely help you reach them.

I look forward to hearing from you about your progress - if you've been getting great results then please call my toll free testimonial hotline and leave me an audio testimonial - it's fast and fun to do... 1-800-609-9006 x2340

Christopher Guerriero, is the founder of the National Metabolic & Longevity Research Center and a best-selling author, speaker, and coach to millions. He is the creator of the award-winning 'Maximize Your Metabolism' To learn more about this step-by-step program, and to sign up for FR*EE how-to articles and F.REE teleseminars, please visit:

© 2002-2004 Wisdom Books, LLC & Christopher Guerriero


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Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Calorie Formula -understand Them and Lose Them

We have all heard of those new diets, Atkins, low carb, high protein etc. Some of us have tried them with good results. There's no doubt about that they work.

They all have one thing in common though - they give us the impression that we no longer have to think about, or bother about, calories.

Nothing could be more far from the truth, unfortunatly. Calories still do count! What these new diets basically do is that they make you feel more satisfied on fewer calories. There are no mystical ingredients or unknown secrets that can change the law of energy balance. In other words, nothing will ever change the fact that if your metabolic system doesn't consume more energy than you take in, you will gain weight. If your metabolic system consumes more energy than you take in, you will lose weight. Period. The universe is made that way..

What are calories then? Are they some small evil molecules hiding in the food, just waiting to invade your body and make your life a fatty hell? No, of coarse they're not.

A calorie is just a word that defines a certain amount of energy, nothing else.

One calorie is the energy it takes to heat one gram of water one degree celcius. Mostly on food packages, the amount of calories are presented as kcal, which means kilo calories i.e. 1000 calories. So, one kcal is the energy it takes to heat one kilo, or one liter, of water one degree celcius. When a fitness chart or table says you burn for example 250 calories per half hour when jogging, it means 250 kilocalories.

Since calories are energy units, they apply to all kinds of energy, not only food. For example lighting a 60W lightbulb obviously takes some energy. The energy it takes to light it for 1,5 hour equals the calories you'll get when eating 1 piece of cheesecake! If you could fill your car up with BigMacs, you could travel almost 0.5 mile on one BigMac!

Does this knowledge make us any happier? Perhaps not but it can give us an idea on how different excercises will burn calories. Calories are consumed by performing work, in physical meaning. The amount of calories consumed equals power multiplied with distance, power x distance.

What does it mean? It means that the higher the power applied to an exercise and the longer the distance this power is in effect, the more calories are burned.

You can easily see that this explains why low intensity training like walking can be very effective, provided the distance is of significant length. You can also see that if you apply more power i.e. higher intensity, you will burn more calories compared to walking slowly the same distance.

Many people avoid to start excercising because last time they made an attempt they started at a high intensity level. The result is horrorful memories of short-of- breath, nearly- fainting, close- to- death feelings. The assumption that high intensity is the only way to burn calories is probably the reason most of us never develop a habit of regular exercise.

Next time you decide to improve your fitness level, remember the formula power x distance. Start by walking in a pleasant pace in let say half an hour three times a week. Increase the time (distance) by a quarter of an hour for the next three weeks.

After four weeks you will feel better, look better and healthier and you will also discover that you have automatically increased your walking speed. Without even notice. What does that mean? It means that you have automatically increased the power factor in the formula wich in turn means more calories burned!

The next step in your training program is your own choise. You can either increase distance or pump up your walking speed. If you have the time, why not both?

More fitness tips articles at:


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Saturday, August 12, 2006

Weight Loss While You Sleep! With Zero Effort

Weight Loss While You Sleep! With Zero Effort was written Lee Mac and he writes "The best weight loss solution is one that is a safe natural weight loss system and a healthy weight loss program that doesn’t strain the body and its internal organs. Crash dieting, fasting for weight loss can be dangerous and not good for your overall health and wellness. Detox foot pads are an alternative weight loss system that help you lose weight while you sleep.

Detoxifying using foot detox pads is not a magic solution to weight loss however combined with regular exercise and a balanced healthy diet can be effective in removing toxins this Detoxifying can produce great results.

Toxins are stored in fatty tissue it is important to rid the body of these toxins, for results without dieting. Foot detox patches can assist in weight loss, reduction of cellulite and help you combat obesity as part of a holistic weight loss program..

Detox foot pads extract these harmful toxins though your feet while you sleep. Simply place the pads on the feet before going to bed and overnight they work to extract harmful toxins and waist products that accumulate in our systems. this is a gradual method that over time can yield positive results combined with healthy diet and regular exercise. The detox patches can be applied to any part of the body, and have the same effect, the reason for the feet is that heavy metals and toxins can accumulate in the soles of the feet.

Detox is the first step (excuse the pun) to a safe healthy weight loss program.

Find out more about why you should think about body cleansing using Detox patches.


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Does Calorie Restriction Lead to Weight Loss?

Does Calorie Restriction Lead to Weight Loss? and Rajesh Shetty has written "Yes and no. Moderate calorie restriction helps in controlling and getting rid of fat to a certain extent.

In fact the so called low carbohydrate diets are low calorie diets.

Research proves that the weight loss in these weight loss programs is on account of calorie restriction and not due to the virtues of a low carbohydrate-high protein diet.

But the real fact about these diets is... calorie restriction is bad for health.

Firstly, these diet plans induce ketosis which according to many experts is bad for health.

Secondly, calorie restriction deprives the vital organs like lever, thyroid and adrenals etc. of required nutrition..

What this means in effect is, the very organs which are supposed to burn fat and keep you lean and healthy are making you sick because of wrong diet!

The reason? Well, very simple...

Say for example, you eat 1200 calories of fruit daily,-which is very good for the fat burning and filtering organs in your body. Now, if you suddenly you reduce it by 500 calories... what is the result? deprivation.

Now let's take another scenario... you are regularly eating 1500 calories of fast food(processed foods) and you bring it down by 500... result? great!

These junk foods were causing damage to your organs and a shift in your diet pattern wiill increase the efficiency of your body's fat burning organs.

So, you will see that it's not calorie restriction alone that was responsible for weight loss in the above example, the restriction of unwanted processed foods in your diet has a more profound effect on your health and weight loss goals.

You can get more cutting edge fat burning secrets in my Free 5 day email e-course by subscribing to my newsletter at:

Rajesh Shetty
Expert in weight loss principles of Ayurveda Medical Science and Author of the Best selling book, "Proven weight loss secrets revealed".


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Thursday, August 10, 2006

Know How Many Calories To Cut For Permanent Weight Loss

Know How Many Calories To Cut For Permanent Weight Loss was written by Kris Bierek and she writes "It is not recommended to lose more than 1 pound per week for healthily weight loss. The reason for this has do to with the issues which quick and drastic weight loss can have on your body's metabolism and muscle mass. When you lose a lot of weight quickly, you really need to strictly monitor where this weight is coming from. Is it water weight, body fat or muscle mass? The majority of the time, it unfortunately comes from lean muscle mass and this is exactly what will cause serious issues with your metabolism.

Muscle is your body's most potent and active tissue for burning calories and body fat. Its basically your body's "furnace" which you want to always keep burning hot. When someone loses a lot of weight, which usually comes from crash dieting or some other unhealthy way of dropping the weight, the body's lean muscle mass is cannibalized and you lose some of your biggest "power" tissue for keeping a lean body..

The worst thing is when the person finally decides to get off the diet and start eating again. Their calories go back up, but since their BMR (basal metabolic rate) is lowered and they have lost muscle mass, the end result is they pack on the body fat very quickly! Ever heard of the term "yo-yo" dieting. This is the reason why tons of people have issues and hard times with their weight loss plans.

Try and focus on creating a max 500 calorie deficit per day which equates out to an overall 3,500 calories per week (1 pound of body fat). Create this overall 500 calorie deficit through a 250 calorie drop in your diet and another 250 burned with an exercise routine. This is the healthiest way to lose body fat while keeping your muscle mass and having your body run at an optimal level. It will also provide you with a much better plan to permanently keep the weight off forever!

Our FREE Weight Loss Analysis will assist anyone looking to safely lose body fat while maintaining lean muscle mass:

Kris Bierek is a fitness specialist for the health and fitness site where you can find FREE fitness tools like fitness newsletters, dieting tips, weight loss help, exercise questions and a free fitness analysis to help you get into the best shape of your life!


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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

How Many Calories Can I Have And Still Lose Weight?

How Many Calories Can I Have And Still Lose Weight? this articles was written by Kathryn Martyn and she writes "How to Estimate How Many Calories You Can Have and Still Lose Weight

To figure out how many calories you should have, first start with where you are. In other words, figure out how many calories it takes to maintain your present size and then reduce from there. You can go about this in many ways. Most people simply choose an arbitrary number like 1200 calories and that's what they eat, but in nearly every case that's not nearly enough calories to ensure adequate nutrition, not to mention the deprivation that sets up.

While losing weight and to this day, I eat over 2000 calories a day on average and I've maintained a good weight for my height for over 17 years. Remember, your body requires calories to maintain itself..

Basic Calorie Requirements Calculation Based on Activity Level:

Sedentary : 13 X Weight = Avg. cal/day
Sedentary is not exercising at all

Moderately Active: 16 X Weight = Avg. cal/day
Moderately Active is exercising approximately 3-4 times per week

Very Active: 19 X Weight = Avg. cal/day
Very Active is 5-7 strenuous exercise sessions per week.

If you weigh over 200 pound now, and you'd like to weigh closer to 150, here is a calculation you could use to get started: Assuming you are going to be adding enough exercise to quality as Moderately Active, we'll use 16 as our modifier:

150 pounds X 16 calories per pound = 2400 calories
Less 500 (Using the common 500 calories per day reduction) gives us a total of 1900 average calories per day

If you started to incorporate a plan that allowed an average of 1900 calories every day, you'd start to lose weight. The mistake most people make is to reduce calories too much, which ultimately sacrifices muscle plus sets you up for feeling deprived. It's far better in the long run to go more slowly, keeping as much muscle as possible while burning calories via exercise. Remember too, even if you don't eat quite that many calories on many days, you might eat more on the weekends for instance, so it ends up being closer to your goal of 1900 average per day. Take the total calories for the week divided by seven.

Remember, this average calorie number gives you plenty of wiggle room during the week. You can have some treats along with everyone else, or add more on weekends. Instead of constantly saying, "I can't, I'm on a diet," now you can say, "Thank you, that looks delicious," and enjoy some. It doesn't ruin your diet plan because you've got a large enough calorie allowance that if you are more careful some days than others, it will work out to the average number of calories you want. I tend to eat far less calories during the week than on weekends and my totals generally average out to 2000 to 2200 calories per day.

The 500 calorie reduction is a well accepted amount. You can reduce your calories further, but I wouldn't recommend it. It doesn't benefit anyone to try for faster weight loss, in fact, if you reduce your calories too much you end up wasting muscle in the process, which is exactly what you do not want to do. If you want faster results, it's better to add more activity, thereby burning more calories at rest.

You may be thinking I'm nuts, recommending 1900 calories per day, but I can say for a fact that if you eat too little (1000 - 1200 calories is too few, IMO) then you set yourself up for all of the following:

Deprivation. You're going to feel deprived, mentally and physically. 1000 calories isn't enough for your basic metabolic needs, much less to fuel yourself for your activity needs. Add more food! Just have a bit more than you're already having, so for instance, if you are allowed 1/2 cup of vegetables is a whole cup going to ruin all your progress? I doubt it. Eat a whole cup, or go ahead and have two oranges. Fruits and vegetables are very low calorie but provide high nutrition.

Sure, some vegis and fruits are high in sugar, but it's natural sugar. I seriously doubt our planet grows any killer foods - it is more likely the food industry which has processed those foods to become nothing more than a dried powder, then add back more sugars, and chemicals so it will resemble the original product, is more harmful than a simple apple or banana?

If you are diabetic or must watch the sugars, have a small bit of protein along with the higher glycemic food, such as an ounce of cheese with your apple. Notice I said an ounce of cheese, not a slab big enough to feed a small country.

Metabolic Slow-Down Feeding yourself too few calories sets you up for metabolic slow-down. Studies have shown time and again that a heavier person can find it difficult to lose weight, even though eating very low calories, simply because their body's metabolism is burning at such a slow rate. As you probably already know exercise helps to speed up your metabolism but so does eating. That's why they say breakfast is so important, not only to fuel yourself but because it starts the metabolic furnace burning, and it continues to burn all day. If you don't eat anything until noon, you don't stoke your furnace to start burning until then either.

Has the ultra low calorie approach worked for you so far? If not, why not try something more reasonable? Tag along with a friend who doesn't have a weight problem and you'll see how sometimes they eat more, sometimes less, but on average they eat enough to fuel their body and maintain their weight.

Adding more food gives you additional eye appeal. If you split up 1000 calories over the course of an entire day you're looking at pretty skimpy portions on your plate each time you eat. I like to feel like I'm getting enough to eat and I do this by rounding out my plate with extra vegetables.

If I'm having a frozen entree for instance, I'll cook up a cup or more of frozen vegetables to add to my plate. The extra vegis really fill me up, providing the satisfaction I need, and I often have a bit extra vegetables to throw away. Is that wasting food? No, it's smart. Far better for me mentally to have extra food to toss away than to be licking the plate because I'm still hungry. I'm also not likely to start wanting something else to eat right after dinner if I'm feeling content with the amount I've eaten.

Make an effort to learn to like your food as is. Plain mixed vegetables with nothing on them are delicious. It took me awhile to stop putting butter on them, and then even quitting the Molly McButter (just chemicals and sodium). I eat them plain and yes, they are great. Nature made our fruits and vegetables naturally sweet and all those "extras" we are used to using like butter on vegetables or potatoes certainly make things taste all yummy but they also make us larger than we need to be. Those "extra" calories add up.

Start to Slowly Make Ajustments to What You Eat or How Much You Eat

For instance wean yourself off adding sugar to your cold cereal. Read the label; all processed cereals contain a ridiculous amount of added sugar already. There's no need to add more. My only exception is brown sugar on oatmeal. I don't sugar my cereal at all anymore but it took me awhile to make the change. Start by adding a bit less, then next week cut back a bit more until you break the habit entirely. Tiny changes make up for big results over time.

If you feed yourself well, and focus on increasing your activity, even if only a little, then you will continue to lose fat, build muscle and get more shapely, all the while increasing your metabolism so you can eat more food!

~~ Kathryn Martyn, Master NLP Practitioner, EFT counselor, author of the free e-book: Changing Beliefs, Your First Step to Permanent Weight Loss, and owner of

Get The Daily Bites: Inspirational Mini Lessons Using EFT and NLP for Ending the Struggle with Weight Loss.


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