Saturday, September 30, 2006

Simple Exercise Tips to Lose Weight Fast

Simple Exercise Tips to Lose Weight Fast was written by George Knows and he writes "People looking to lose weight are always looking for new ways to exercise. It is widely known now that dieting alone wont always solve the problem. Healthy dieting and weight loss happens by replacing the wrong foods for the right ones, daily exercise, and extra help from an herbal weight loss supplement.

Exercise can quickly become a healthy habit that will make you feel more active, feel less hungry, and eat less all by itself.

While you should avoid strenuous exercise, and starvation diets, a healthy balance is what is needed to burn the fat off and keep your foot intake to a good level. Combine this with a healthy herbal weight loss pill like ProShapeRx and you will feel less hungry, and more focused on your weight loss goals..

When most people think of losing weight, what comes to mind are expensive gym memberships and strenuous workouts. It does not have to be that way though, and as we will see, there are many no cost ways for you to add that exercise into your day.

As long as you dont overdo it, you should have no trouble at all mixing simple activities like jumping rope, running around the park, situps, pushups, quat thrusts, and stair sprinting in your weight loss efforts. Let us take a look and see just how simple these exercises can be, and what a huge effect they can have on your ability to lose weight naturally.

Jumping rope is something that anyone can do with a little time and effort. Any old rope will do, just hold each end with either hand and spin it around you as you hop along with it.

Jumping rope makes the heart stronger and tunes up the cardiovascular system. It is what boxers do to keep their legs strong and looking great, and the shoulders also get a workout from keeping the rope moving.

Jumping rope for 30 minutes straight is the equivalent to running a mile in 8 minutes, and you can burn 1,300 calories if you keep jumping for a full hour. You can jump rope in places like your home or in your backyard.

If you think about it, those treadmills and steppers you get access to for that expensive gym membership really cant match what simple stair sprinting can do.

Beginners or overweight people can start by running up and down four flights of stairs two times. If you cannot do two reps at first, then just do one. Do this every other day for two weeks. Endurance builds with time.

Try working up to the two reps for the next two weeks. After two weeks have passed, try doing three reps. Do this until you can get to four reps. If you feel like you can do four flights of stairs four times, then do it.

Doing a few floors of stair sprints can work out more muscles in your lower body, giving you perfect legs and ass. Carrying your own weight up those stairs instead of the flat surfaces you get at the gym makes your muscles work harder and helps you gain more endurance.

Be careful with stair sprinting though, as it is easy to trip or sprain an ankle. Careful stair sprinting should be combined with other exercises too like situps, pushups, and squat thrusts.

Everyone knows how to do situps and pushups, but squat thrusts will really help define and shape your legs, as well as the triceps. Situps and pushups are quick exercises to work the upper body while squat thrusts work the lower body.

To do squat thrusts, you get into the pushup position with your body already pushed up off the floor. From this position you bend your knees and with both feet thrust forward underneath you and stop them near where your hands are, then thrust them back with the same quick powerful movement.

Another way to perform squat thrusts is to start with bringing your right forward, in the runners position at the starting line. Then thrust both legs at the same time, one pushing back and the other leg pushing forward.

This exercise works the glutes and hamstrings and quads, and is great for the lower body. Just be careful to keep the arms fixed to the floor, firmly keeping the body in the correct position. Repeat this exercise 15-20 times in your workout routine, and you will be showing off some great legs to anyone who cares to notice.

Women find men who take care of their physical appearance very attractive. Defined muscles and shapely legs and thighs are a big turn on and you will notice the difference in the attention you get. I dont even have to tell you how men feel about good looking women who stay active and take care of themselves.

Staying active with your workouts can grow into a habit that you can use to reach your weight loss goals fast. Switch junk food, soda, and chips for fruits and vegetables alongside a good herbal weight loss supplement and you will be seeing the results come even faster.

Remember also to keep a close eye on the food intake. Dieting and herbal weight loss supplements can only lower your intake of fatty foods, and reduce the feeling of hunger.

These techniques must be combined with exercise to burn off the extra fat. Losing weight is no big deal, anyone can do it, you just have to have the right formula to make it happen.

George Knows is a partner at who has researched and tested the best herbal dietary supplements on the market. Learn weight loss tips and compare the top herbal weight loss pills at his website,

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Monday, September 25, 2006

Detoxify Your Way to Natural Weight Loss

Detoxify Your Way to Natural Weight Loss was written by Dr. Alan Jenks Platinum and he writes "A good portion of North America is overweight because of a condition called auto-intoxication. This means that your intestines are holding too much material that is becoming toxic and as a result your body starts to act like a sponge and absorbs the toxic waste and stores it in your fat cells.

If you eat 3 meals a day then you should be having about 3 bowl movements a day. If you are not then we need to exercise your bowels to start moving the waste more efficiently. Most health food stores have great detox programs. Dextoxifying your bowels should really be done at least twice a year. This was a natural process for us 1000’s of years ago in the form of fasting. We consume to much for our bodies to efficiently eliminate wastes. We need to spend some time each year in a state of fasting. We can do this with any great colon/detox products.

Research yourself, go to your local health food store and find a product right for you. If you are still confused, then contact us at and we will be more then happy to suggest a few..

We feel there are 3 things important for cleansing. You first need a good fibre. The fibre products should have ground flax seed, and psyllium husks to start. Anything else is just gravy. The second product you need is product to rid the bowels of parasites. The last thing should be a tea that you take at the end of the day to help facilitate the bowels to contract over night to help with more efficient movements. Weight loss is tough especially if you your body is toxic. Rid the toxins and you will be in a wonderful place to start losing weight.

Dr. Alan Jenks owns and has helped many people lose the weight they want. Visit now to pick up your own free natural weight loss e-course now.


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Saturday, September 23, 2006

Your Key to Natural Weight Loss was

Your Key to Natural Weight Loss was written by David Everett and he writes "While some people will always believe that all-natural weight loss supplements are the key to a natural weight loss, you will find that most doctors would not agree. Though technically it is true to say that the herbs and agents typically found in natural diet supplements are indeed natural, natural is not necessarily synonymous with harmless.

Do you remember when your mom told you not to eat the berries off the trees unless you could definitely identify them as strawberries, raspberries, blackberries or blueberries? That was because some things in nature, although they are still very obviously natural, are still capable of causing harm and damage to a person and to their body..

How to Recognize the Signs

Your reaction to the statement that natural weight loss supplements might not be naturally good for us, might be that if it has some adverse effect then you would obviously stop taking it. However, it is actually not all that simple. After all, not all adverse effects can be noticed or properly identified.

Our bodies could be under a fair amount of stress and may not register anything on the outside. This can be quite dangerous in a world where hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup are becoming staple ingredients, even in the products that should be healthy.

So what is the correct way to lose weight naturally if all-natural weight loss supplements can not be trusted? Well, the only way to lose weight naturally and healthily is the good old-fashioned way, which includes that of a good diet and frequent exercise. This means no crash diets, no all-natural weight loss supplements, no pharmacological weight loss supplements - just plain old calorie control and attention to ingredients, paired with frequent exercise and a non-sedentary lifestyle.

This old-fashioned recipe for natural weight loss may seem unduly boring in today’s fast-paced world. Perhaps it may even seem like a waste of technology and pharmacological research to ignore these recent advancements in diet and weight control. However, for the time being, doctors agree that the only route to 100% safe and natural weight loss is to simply lose weight through proper diet and exercise.

It should be noted that by using the word diet, it is not implied that a ‘diet’ of drastic calorie cutting should be followed. What is meant by diet in this context is that of a healthy eating regime consisting of an adequate daily caloric intake, dependant on one’s age, gender, and activity level.

This diet can be identified as one which is varied in nature and which includes the majority of the food coming from complex carbohydrates (whole grains) and vegetables, with smaller portions of dairy, protein, fruits and some fats (preferably mono and polyunsaturated fats, but no trans fats whatsoever).

Get the answers to many of your concerns and questions regarding weight loss at Dave's website 1st in weight loss


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Friday, September 22, 2006

Herbal Weight Loss

Javier Fuller has written Herbal Weight Loss and writes "The modern comfort levels have added a very common problem to all of us, obesity or we can say the excessive weight gain. It seems to be a simple growth of the body and its quite natural too, but the corpulent shape of the body can be so precarious that it can even take your life away. Obesity means accumulation of fats or lumps in our body that make you look unshaped and overweight. A recent survey has shown that improper lifestyle and careless routine of life lead to obesity that has become the cause of many diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiac ailments and alike. The survey also made an assessment of the deaths caused by vulnerable fats. The urban population suffers from it more than the rural ones. There are various causes of this lethargic illness: junk food, less movement of the body parts, high saturated fat food intake, lack of exercise and sports, etc.

Now, when the situation has grimed to the extent of posing threat to the life, people are trying to find out solutions. There are many latest surgical methods to get rid of the fats but they are not natural. Hence, the quest for herbal solutions is increasing day by day, which is natural in method and applications with minimal side effects. Herbal weight loss program is implicated by many branches of medicines like Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Unani and some others..

Herbal weight loss products:

The research on herbs by clinical physiologists led to the formulation of healthy herbal supplements that boast of the mechanism of reducing weight naturally. The herbal weight loss products include patches, pills, injections and other supplements. They are genetically engineered to reduce the fats by either burning them down in body metabolism or throwing them out of the body as excretion stimulating in organic forms. Let us have a look at the various herbal weight loss products.

a) Herbal Weight Loss Patch:

The weight loss patches use various natural herbal ingredients which naturally help the body to lose weight. The weight loss patch helps to lose weight by increasing body metabolism for burning more calories and decreasing appetite that results in safe and natural weight loss.

They increase body's metabolism ability to burn more and more fats and you get rid of the unwanted pounds. Even the application is simple and convenient. You can tie them like band aids for 24 hours. The dermal application releases herbs consistently into the blood stream in a safe mode to reduce your hunger and lessen the food intake. There are many brands of patches in the market but buy the one that provides less numbers in its medical course.

b) Herbal weight loss injection:

The herbal weight loss injections are the solutions prepared for injecting the formula directly to the blood stream. The blood carries the supplements to the receiving sites for the purpose of burning the fats. They also act naturally to burn the excessive fats and take out from the body as excretory products. Many believe that it is more fast and effective than other forms of products.

c) Herbal weight loss pills:

There are basically two types of weight loss pills (Herbal Phentermine): i) prescription pills and ii) non-prescription pills. The Former needs FDA approval and a doctor's prescription while the latter is available over the counter. Take care that the weight loss pills that you are taking must be ephedra free and are without any caffeine or harmful stimulants. They are taken orally with water. The pills act through the digestive metabolic path for the better results.

d) Herbal weight loss supplements:

The herbal weight loss supplements are so designed and formulated that while you are dieting for the weight loss or taking the supplements that reduces your appetite, there should be no loss or deficiency of other elements in the body. They are biochemically manufactured to give benefit on appetite, temperature, sexual behavior, sleep, mood, anxiety, and pain sensation. Thus, herbal supplements take care of the body as well.

e) Weight loss and herbal wrap:

The herbal body wrap produces therapeutic benefits by cleaning the body of toxins and reducing fats. A simple wrap can be made by a mixture of a clay and natural sea salt. To this wrap, you can add ingredients of herbs and small potions of an essential oil.

f) Weight loss herbal tea:

The use of weight loss herbal tea is very popular since ages. The weight loss herbal tea is known to aid in burning the extra fat and accumulated calories. In fact, studies in the field of weight loss have proven better with herbal teas. It has found that drinking of herbal tea regularly benefits in healthier lives. The herbs that are treated as herbal tea are:

# Garcinia Combogia
# Cinnamomum Tamala
# Guggul
# Senna Leaves
# Fennel
# Aniseed

Thus, there are innumerable methods for weight loss through herbal supplements. The herbal remedies for weight loss are considered more safe than the instant medical surgeries. Experts comment that simply use of herbal weight loss formula either in pills or injection or patches won't do. There should be a herbal weight loss program combined with some physical activity like yoga or other forms of exercise and improved as well as controlled diet to maintain weight loss successfully, forever.

Don't try out weird methods to get fast natural herbal weight loss, because the natural herbal weight loss program is not like any catalyst in a reaction, rather a gradual development in your body to finish up the extra unnecessary fat. & Herbal Weight Loss provides detailed information on weight loss, weight loss tips, herbal weight loss and more.

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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Easy Natural Weight Loss It Really Isn't That Hard

Easy Natural Weight Loss, It Really Isn't That Hard was written by Victor Lensora and he writes "Due to the huge health hazards associated with obesity, it is important for those who are overweight to try and lose weight, and get back into shape. Arguably more importantly is that when doing this, they do it in a safe manner. Through this article, I will try and guide you in ideas and methods to lose weight safely!

Okay, to lose weight, calories used per day by the body needs to be greater than calories consumed per day. Below is a variety of ways to help you on your way!

• Firstly, during your everyday life, you can take lots of small easy steps to help burn some extra calories. Rather than taking the lift/elevator/escalator, take the stairs, although this is minor, through the week, it all adds up. This is probably the easiest of all methods to implement into your day to day life. This method itself is unlikely to help you shed lots of pounds, but in conjunction with other small ideas for example get off at a bus stop ahead of your desired destination, and walk the final leg of your journey, or even better, cycle the whole of your journey while following a few of the tips on eating below, and you should find yourself losing weight in no time..

• This is obvious, but you should try to cut down on fatty foods, fast food is a huge culprit for clogging up your arteries with cholesterol and piling on the pounds. For example, there are several fast food meals that contain over a whopping 1000 calories, to put this into perspective, women should eat 2000 calories a day, and men 2,500! So that’s nearly half of your daily calorie allowance in one meal that is not even likely to sustain your hunger for more than a couple of hours and so should be avoided. Also when shopping, when buying low-fat products, you should be careful to look at the nutritional information, quite commonly the food manufacturers replace the fat with sugar. Excess sugar that is not needed by the body is converted into glycogen and is stored as fat.

• Avoid fizzy drinks e.g. coca cola, these drinks are packed with sugar and as a result contain loads of calories, replace these with healthier drinks such as water and you'll find yourself cutting back on lots of calories, as well as saving your teeth and some extra cash.

• Try and do at least 30 minutes of exercise at least 5 days of the week, this could just be a walk round the local park, football in the garden with friends, or a gentle game of tennis. The goal for losing weight is to use more calories than you consume, this exercise will help you on your way.

• Around 50-60% of your daily calories are recommended to come from carbohydrates. Try to make as many of these from foods that are high in complex starchy carbohydrates, opposed to sugary carbohydrates.

• Be sure to watch you portion size, often portion sizes are much smaller than you'd expect, if you are counting calories, be sure to only eat the portion size that it recommends, otherwise take into account the extra calories that will be consumed by the large serving.

• When you feel you need a snack, rather than reaching for a snickers or a couple of biscuits, replace these high calorie snacks with some fruit. Not only will you eat fewer calories, but you will also consume vitamins and minerals which the body requires.

• Personally, I do not recommend diet pills; this is due to negative side affects that some will produce. Furthermore there is no guarantee that you will lose a noticeable amount of weight, and there is a good chance that you will just put it straight back on.

Implement a number of the above points, and you should start to burn more calories and consume less, and in turn, lose weight! Remember the golden rule that is, to lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume! A happier and healthier life awaits you.

Victor Lensora - Owner of the Awesome Health Website Along with the brand new blog helping you with loads of tips to lose weight without endangering your health! For running tips and advice go to

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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Losing Weight Naturally Is An Action and Not A Craze

Losing Weight Naturally Is An Action and Not A Craze was written by James Ellison and he writes "You have read all that you wish to know about how to stop being overweight. Those easy set of directions should be simple to follow, but not for 36% of Americans who are not able to avoid being overweight. As might be expected, once we are overweight, we normally want to trim down for many reasons, some connected to health, others having to do with appearances.

Furthermore, it's never too late to lose weight. But the fact is, it is a whole lot simpler to avoid putting on pounds than to try losing them later on. And if there is anything we all know, it is that a weight increase is expected to happen if we do not take preventive steps to stop it.

Health pros say that many people who are into losing weight usually digress. They have a tendency to go back to their previous eating habits even after they learn to savor low-fat eating. They tend to go back to inactive ways even though they enjoy workouts..

But despite an impelling force toward weight gain, you can block it from happening, experts say. And there are a lot of good reasons to head off excess pounds, grounds that go beyond egotism or social toleration.

In fact, some health pros argue that the implication of excess weight is more than aesthetic. They say that it demands a large toll on an individual's physical health.

The Means to Losing Weight…Naturally

The in and outs of eating correctly keeping a healthy weight is not all that complex. In fact, it is a good wager that many people know quite well what is best. Thus, losing weight the natural method should not be any trouble at all.

Accordingly, a reasonable plan of attack for losing weight naturally is to adhere to a diet that is abundant in complex carbohydrates, high in fiber, medium in protein, and low in fat.

A baked potato is a complex carbohydrate. Sour cream and butter is the fat that you shouldn't put on it. Vegetables are the fiber. Oil is the fat you should not fry them in. A lean cut of meat is the protein. And the gravy is the fat you should not pour over it.

Furthermore, health experts claim that dietary fat encourages weight gain because it is a very concentrated source of calories. Also, when you eat excess calories from dietary fat, you stash away those calories as body fat more in an efficient manner than extra calories from other sources.

On the other hand, it can also assist you lose weight naturally if you will not drop into the so-called fat-free trap. Businesses keep producing low-fat or fat-free versions of their top selling foods, but Americans keep becoming fatter anyway.

One of the biggest illusions of the 90s is that no fat implies non-fattening. But really, you are often obtaining just as many calories from the no-fat edition, even if the calories are not because of fat.

The term fat-free can be a pitfall if you begin to think that you can eat any sum of the food that are promoted that way.

What’s more, it is better to react to hunger with healthful snacks. Health experts claim it would be better to try eating every 3 to 4 hours, which may mean a wholesome low-fat snack between lunch and dinner.

If you feel the impulse for food coming on, snacking on something good for you such as a slice of whole-grain toasted bread is a better option. Don't miss a meal and eat snacks in lieu of because that is the worst thing you can do if you are attempting to control your eating customs and weight.

Don't forget, if you wish to lose weight naturally, you have to keep account of every food you eat and of every bodily function that you do. When you say natural weight loss it means that you do not have to utilize some add-ons or helpful aids just to lose weight.

Losing weight naturally is a action and not a craze. Therefore, it would take plenty of stubborn determination, self-control, and discipline just to get your perfect weight.

This article is provided courtesy of Dieting Secrets


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Monday, September 18, 2006

Ingredients in Herbal Weight Loss Supplements

Ingredients in Herbal Weight Loss Supplements was written by George Knows and he writes "Many people looking to lose weight look to herbal weight loss supplements to get rid of extra flab. Do these herbal pills really work, and how effective are they? Let us take a look at the herbal ingredients that make these dietary supplements suppress the appetite, burn calories faster, and help a person lose weight naturally.

For people who maintain a fairly active lifestyle, herbal dietary supplements can help them stay active, stay feeling full more of the time, and lose weight while they continue life normally.

For people who are overweight, herbal weight loss supplements should not be thought of as a magic pill that can burn the pounds away. But instead when combined with healthy exercise and eating habits, they can go a long way towards bringing weight loss success quickly..

Traditional herbal ingredients such as Hoodia Gordonii have been used by ancient cultures to curb hunger on long hunting trips. Only recently has Hoodia become popular in the west by celebrities and the news. Now it seems that many people are giving it a try.

Herbal weight loss products are most successful though when they combine multiple fat burning, hunger reducing ingredients in their formula.

The following is a list of common herbal dietary supplements and what they do:

Hoodia Gordonii is an herb from a plant in South Africa that reduces appetite by mimmicking the effect that feeling full has on your after you eat. This makes a person not feel hungry, causing them to eat less without starving themselves, which is very unhealthy.

White Kidney Bean Powder is an herb that has gone through extensive research and testing and what it does is stop the digestive process from turning starch into sugar, so you take in less fat calories, and your body gets rid of the starch you don’t need.

White Willow Bark extract works with other ingredients to boost your metabolism to burn up calories faster, again making you take in and store less extra fat calories.

L-Methionine works with the natural substances in the liver to burn extra fat more quickly

Fenugreek is an herb that lowers cholesterol, improves your digestive system and balances the bodys sugar levels.

Green Tea Leaf burns calories and oxidizes fat to burn fat faster.

Beet Root improves the function of the liver, and strengthens the blood.

With the right mix of quality ingredients, herbal weight loss supplements help reduce hunger, and tune up the digestive processes. They can also help remove some of the unhealthy aspects of food like unwanted fat and cholesterol, which will make your exercising all the more effective.

For the best results with herbal dietary supplements, do your best to take 30 minutes per day for some light to moderate exercises. This can be anything simple like jumping rope, doing situps and pushups, or even taking a yoga class.

Build up your exercise habits while keeping a close eye on your food intake. Create a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables and take advantage from herbal dietary supplements like ProShapeRx. You can look and feel thinner and greatly increase your confidence in just weeks by staying focused on your natural weight loss goals.

Visit my herbal weight loss site,, to learn how to lose weight safely by doing the things that really help you lose weight fast. Read short articles and these proven weight loss tips to use today. Also learn about hoodia and compare the best consumer reviewed herbal weight loss supplements to see how these can you reach your weight loss goals faster.

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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Common Herbs Used in Natural Weight Loss Remedy

Common Herbs Used in Natural Weight Loss Remedy was written by Lilian Chia and writes "Getting fat people to lose weight is quickly becoming a billion dollar industry. And one of the most popular forms of weight loss treatment are the ones touted as natural weight loss remedy. Although there are some that have been found to be effective aids, some of these herbal materials might pose some level of risk that you should be informed before consuming. The following are some of the natural herbs used in a various herbal supplemetns for the typical natural weight loss remedy.

Ephedra aka Ma Huang
For a long time, one of the most common ingredients found in a natural weight loss remedy is that of Ephedra sinica, or sometimes referred to as Ma Huang. These alkaloids are often combined with natural caffeine sources to help with the body’s consumption of calories, which can lead to rapid weight loss. However, further studies and from my personal experience using supplements that contain such herbs, consumption can lead to rapid heartbeat, the worst case scenario could be a cardiac arrest..

Another herb that are often found in a natural weight loss remedy is ginseng. If the hype is to be believed, these two ingredients of a typical natural weight loss remedy can modulate carbohydrate metabolism, which may affect a body’s composition and weight. However, there is absolutely no scientific evidence that indicates that this claim is based on facts.

Natural Diuretics
Diuretics are items that act as laxative through the increase of water elimination. The most common examples of these types of diuretics is the dandelion. While it does not appear to have any unique adverse effects, it can have adverse effects similar to those of conventional diuretics and laxatives such as dehydration and electrolyte abnormalities.

These are but a few of the ingredients seen in a typical natural weight loss remedy. It is important to remember that the words natural or herbal does not indicate safe. While some supplements might work for you, the better approach would be to consult with a weight loss specialist and a doctor who can help you lose weight and keep it off.

Copyright Statement
This article was written by Lilian Chia and may be reproduced on any weight-loss/health-related website provided this copyright statement is displayed unedited in its entirety at the foot of the article and you use the exact same HTML code to ensure a clickable link back to the author's site. Further articles on herbs for weight loss are also available. Contact the author for more information. Copyright ©


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Saturday, September 16, 2006

Natural Weight Loss Products, Can You Believe?'

Casey McCarthy has written 'Natural Weight Loss Products, Can You Believe?' and writes "Experts estimate that millions of Americans are either overweight or obese. There is simply too much temptation wherever you turn. There are bakeries that offer luscious treats in every city and town across america.

For people who are trying to losing weight these establishments are torture, losing weight in not only good for their self-esteem, it is will also help with many health issues.

People who have tried the weight loss programs and failed, are now turning to Natural weight loss products for relief.

Natural weight loss is the process of loosing weight without any diet pills, or any other chemical aide..

As with any other diet program, consulting a physician before starting is absolutely necessary. Not only will a physician clear you of any possible health problems, but also he or she can create a Natural weight loss routine of diet and exercise routine that will best suit your needs.

Another option that you have is to consult with a nutrition and fitness expert for your Natural weight loss needs. They are specially trained in the field of Natural weight loss and can design a plan that is right for you.

With a Natural weight loss plan, it will take longer for the weight to come off. This is because you are not only changing your dietary habits, but also making lifestyle changes.

Weight loss products are designed for quick weight reduction. When you have achieved the weight goal, you stop taking the product. Most of the time, the weight returns and then some.

With a Natural weight loss plan, the weight comes off slowly and stays off. This is because with a Natural weight loss diet plan, you are not only controlling your diet, but you are using a exercise routing as well.

When you choose to use a Natural weight loss diet plan, you are choosing to effect lifestyle changes and modifications that will assist you in achieving the goals that you set for yourself. The Natural weight loss is permanent. The weight loss will stay with you as long as you follow Natural weight loss plan.

An exercise routine is also a very important part of Natural weight loss, going to the gym or fitness center has become an everyday routine for millions of Americans. With Natural weight loss, exercise will be the key factor in how much weight you lose.

Because you are on a Natural weight loss plan, you have to exercise.Going for a walk after dinner is cardiovascular exercise and is great for burning the calories and fat from dinner.

Natural weight loss takes into consideration everything you do during the day and can incorporate it into a healthier lifestyle. Dieting is a short-term solution to weight loss.

Natural weight loss is the most recommended form of weight loss. It is a healthier more stable form of weight loss and it is permanent. It is agreed that is takes longer, but some feel that it is worth sticking with a Natural weight loss because the results will not disappoint you.

If you looking for the right weight loss product to help you in your natural weight loss program, please visit, they have a large selection of the top nutritional products on the market.

Casey McCarthy Please visit this site for more useful information.

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Thursday, September 14, 2006

How about a Cactus to Lose Weight

How about a Cactus to Lose Weight was written by Chris Read and writes "Hoodia Gordinii is now the centre of research. You may find it weird but our friends across Africa have been using a variety of cactus called Hoodia Gordonii as a weight loss supplement. There is a whole lot of literature devoted to the herb. African bushman used hoodia to stave off hunger for long trips.

And there is a study too that vouches for its effectiveness. The study shows that Hoodia can turn off the hunger pangs. The most widely reported study on the weightloss properties of Hoodia Gordonii was conducted with obese individuals who were given Hoodia Gordonii and left in a room, who were given a TV, some reading material and food stuff. This group consumed on average 1000 less calories a day than the control group which was given a placebo..

The active ingredient in Hoodia Gordonii is known to signal to the brain that the stomach is full. This translates into less eating, which would naturally cause a loss of weight.

Hoodia Gordonii is an African cactus that grows naturally only in the Kalahari desert. For millennia the bushmen of this region have eaten Hoodia Gordonii with no apparent adverse side effects, like the racing heart experience on consumption of Ephedra or other supplements.

On the contrary the herb gives and upbeat mood and generally a good feeling. One remains energetic all day long without giving an effect of going without food. However, the bushman used the Hoodia Gordonii in limited quantitites. Further investigations are needed to examine the herb’s short-term and long-term effects with different dosages. Does the herb actually work in larger number of individuals than investigated under the study.

The chemical shows the molecule that has been linked to the appetite suppressing abilities of Hoodia Gordonii, now called P.57, and appears to affect both humans and animals. One study recorded a decrease in appetite by upto 40%. There are documented personal experiences showing the immediate effects of eating Hoodia Gordonii though.

While the conclusive evidence about effectiveness of the herb may take a while, the time-tested cheap phentermine can serve the purpose. You can buy phentermine, the appetite suppressant online from the comfort of your home while surfing through notes on the whole treasure trove of herbs.

“Chris Read” is an associate editor to the website It is committed to provide visitors with complete information on weight loss, diet pills, obesity and phentermine. We also provide articles on health related topics.

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Natural Weight Loss And Unnatural Weight Gain

Donovan Baldwin has written Natural Weight Loss And Unnatural Weight Gain and writes "There are two basic rules of weight loss, at least healthy weight loss. Actually, these two rules can be expressed in just two words - exercise and nutrition. These are natural, in more ways than you might imagine.

Certainly, there are a lot of other things that you can do to "help" your weight loss program, but that's pretty much all they are for most people - helpers. Most, however, are NOT natural. Diet pills, fad diets, and extreme measures are not "natural", and can even make the body do unnatural things...even die.

You would think that with approximately two-thirds of the adult population of the U. S. being overweight, that the problem would be much more complicated than it is! However, the truth about weight gain and weight loss is simple. If someone eats more calories than their body can use, they gain weight. If they use more calories than they eat, they lose weight. Weight gain and weight loss can't get any more "natural" than that!.

As simple as the equation seems however, the solution can be made difficult by several factors, and the problem is confused by natural factors. Just as using our bodies as nature intended can help with weight loss, our lives today are unnatural, causing the natural processes of the body to go awry.

Originally, our bodies were designed to be very efficient machines in a rather inefficient environment. However, with time, certain aspects of our world became more efficient, and many of our physical systems became outmoded.

One simple example of this is the hormone cortisol, commonly referred to by diet pill pushers as the "stress hormone" and frequently blamed at "the" culprit when it comes to one's failure to lose weight. While it is true that cortisol is associated with times of stress, which is what nature intended it to be associated with. It actually served a function when our ancestors were likely to have to escape from bears or lions, and then walk several miles to get home...hopefully carrying portions of those same lions and bears.

These days, the bear is the boss, the bills, the neighbor's kids, and the traffic in which we find ourselves daily. There is no walk home to help cortisol perform its normal functions, so it goes about its business of helping the body prepare to repair physical damage that never occurred and replace calories that were never burned.

We no longer even have to saddle a horse. We don't even have to manhandle non-power steering equipped cars any more. For years, one of the greatest enemies of weight loss and health has been the television. More recently, the TV's ability to deprive us of healthy activity and exercise has been improved by the invention of the remote control.

I remember my father getting out of his chair several times in an evening, walking across the room, bending to turn the dial, perhaps fiddle with the tuning, and then return to his chair (which the cat had torn to shreds). Last night, I, the fitness guru, used the remote control to change channels several times, never once leaving my wife's side as we both slipped into oblivion in the overstuffed double recliner...which the cat had better leave alone if he knows what's good for him.

Is it any wonder that when I arose this morning, I had to go into that same living room and do a scheduled physical activity...walking on the treadmill as part of my ongoing effort to combat the combined forces of time, gravity, and inertia?

Our ancestors never had to "schedule" exercise. It was an integral part of their lives.

Food wasn't.

They could not rise up from their seat on a rock by the fire, walk to the fridge in the corner of the cave and return with a multi-caloried snack...several times in one evening. When they could eat, they ate, and when they couldn't, they didn't. If a bear chased them and they had to expend large quantities of energy in hopes of self preservation, that nasty old cortisol told their bodies what to expend and how, and when it was over, evil ol' cortisol again helped them feel a need to replenish their stores of energy for the next bear attack.

As they wandered thru the woods, they might come across some berries or nuts, but there was no McRockald's or StoneburgerKing on every corner offering to provide them extra carbs because the tribal leader was threatening to let them go.

They did not have sugar or French fries or white bread or Dairy Queens.

In all honesty, even allowing for their best attempts at health and fitness, we today probably have better opportunities to eat well and be physically fit than our ancestors ever had. It is also true, however, that the same scientific advances which have endowed us so richly with a bright tomorrow full of wonder has, at the same time, had the effect of making healthy weight loss difficult, as simple as it may seem.

While no one should want to return to past periods when what passed as "good" health would be looked at askance by someone alive today, it is well to remember that our bodies were planned and designed to function in those sorts of periods, and, until evolution catches up with reality, any rational attempt at weight loss should be designed with two things in mind...exercise and proper nutrition.

Donovan Baldwin is a Dallas area writer. A graduate of the University Of West Florida (1973) with a BA in accounting, he is a member of Mensa and has held several managerial positions. He has written poetry and essays for his own use, and instructional media in many of the positions he held. After his retirement from the U. S. Army in 1995, he began writing articles on various subjects for websites he owned as well as for use by other webmasters. He has a keen interest in health, fitness, diet, and weight loss and has recently completed courses on Diet and Nutrition, and Fitness. He has posted a review on a great way to exercise and burn fat at

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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Effective Ways For Natural Rapid Weight Loss

Effective Ways For Natural Rapid Weight Loss was written by Suzana Slemat and she writes "There are many products and diet plans in the market place which promote the different ways to lose weight. There's the low carb diet, low fat diet, high protein diet, and the list goes on! With the promise of rapid and effective weight loss, many people wishing to shed off pounds are quick to embrace the latest fads and latest pills. And many are disillusioned after a while, because the products are not fulfilling their promises. They then get stuck in a mindset that losing weight is not possible and if it is, it cannot be permanent. There are however many effective ways to lose weight rapidly and naturally without losing too much sweat or spending too much money.

Like in everything that you do to achieve success, to lose weight effectively starts with a mindset. To get yourself started, ask yourself motivating questions, like why do you want to lose weight. Do you want to look good? Do you want to feel good? Do you want to be healthy? And then ask yourself, why do you want all these benefits? Once you know the whys, you will automatically be driven to achieve your weight goals without too much pressure. The focus now is on the end benefits and not on the process. See yourself already slim and healthy..

Next, start to be aware of yourself and your surrounding. Know yourself and develop a coping strategy for a change in lifestyle. You can stick to many of your own food preferences but substitute them for the lower fat varieties. This increases your chance of sticking to it as you are less likely to think of this as dieting.

Exercise is key but it's important to pick up exercise that suits your fitness. Brisk walking is the easiest and is very effective. If you stick to a regular walking habit of two to three times a week for 30 minutes each time, this will go a long way to maintain your weight. Get into a habit of eating little and often. This allows the body to process the same amount of food more efficiently, resulting in a healthy and natural weight loss.

It is important that you remember not to eat before bedtime. Never skip breakfast. Eat a light carbo snack half hour before a meal, as this will fill you up.

It is useful to remember not to go shopping when you are hungry! There is a greater tendency to stock up on snacks under such condition. Eat off from smaller plates. Try not to drink water in between meals. If possible, let the food digest ten or fifteen minutes after your meal before you drink. Do not get too caught up with calorie counts of everything.

Take one step at a time, do not be self-defeated if you do not gain the weight loss that you want and you start to abandon all the little efforts. Try to develop strategies to cope with situations that do not sabatoge your efforts.

Set small goals often and enjoy each success. Over time, you will adopt a healthier eating habit and you will already be in your way to rapid and natural and permanent weight loss. And you do not need to be disillusioned again with new diet fads.

About the Author
For more tips and secrets of natural and rapid weight loss, please visit:
Natural Rapid Weight Loss

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Sunday, September 10, 2006

Loss Weight Make It With Natural Products

Loss Weight Make It With Natural Products was written by Alexander Stomanec and he writes "Nearly 66,5 percent of all adults in the United States are overweight, and 30.5 percent are obese. Overweight refers to an excess of body weight compared to set standards. The excess weight may come from muscle, bone, fat, and/or body water. Many people who are overweight are also obese. Obesity is a term for excess body fat.

Food is made up of calories, or units of energy. Physical activity and normal body metabolism burn calories. When a person takes in more calories than the body uses, the extra calories are stored as fat. These fat cells enlarge or decrease in size depending on the balance of energy in the body. When fat cells build up or accumulate, it causes obesity.

There are two main possible ways of inducing a reduction in body fat. One is by reducing food intake or food absorption and the other is by enhancing energy expenditure. A way to reduces energy intake and absorption is through thermogenic formulas such as the ingredients found in Yerba Slim. Thermogenesis is a term referring to the body's production of heat. Heat production is a normal part of the metabolic process. Nutritional substances can also stimulate thermogenesis. Thermogenesis, when not simply needed for routine food digestion and metabolism, is both a source of heat and when stimulated through appropriate dietary supplementation, a mechanism to increase metabolic rate. Fuel for this increased metabolic rate can be provided by stored body fat. The ingredients in Yerba Slim assist in the thermogenic processes allowing you to naturally and safely burn fat and loose unwanted weight.

Before fat can be burned it must be broken down into small particles to free fatty acids and glycerol. This process is called Lipolysis . Hormones like cathecolamines and chemical compounds like xanthines found in the Yerba Slim formula have lipolytic activity. These ingredients aid in lipolysis allowing your body to breakdown fat and turn it into energy. Daniel Mowrey, Ph.D. states that Yerba Mate, a main ingredient in Yerba Slim , possesses the best combination of xanthine properties possible.

Yerba Mate is an evergreen tree growing wild in South America. It is used as a stimulant for weight loss and as an appetite suppressant. It is also known for increasing energy and improving digestive systems. It has been used by Native Americans since ancient times in a tea form as a daily stimulant. Its traditional uses were to aid against fatigue, nervous depression and pain. The herb is currently being used in the United States as stimulant for the central nervous sytem and as a dietary supplement.

Daniel Mowrey, Ph.D. calls Mate "An invigorator of the mind and body, a natural source of nutrition, and a health promoter." He also states that Mate is used to "boost immunity, retard aging, combat fatigue and control the appetite." Yerba Mate has the ability to increase mental alertness and acuity and to do it without any side effects resulting in more energy and vitality. Yerba Mate has become a favorite of body builders and anyone interested in the health benefits of exercise.

The metabolic effects of Mate include the ability to maintain aerobic glycolysis (breakdown of carbohydrates) during exercise . This results in burning more calories and loosing weight. It also eliminates the sensation of hunger meaning you eat less and lose more weight.

Yerba Slim contains highest quality ingredients, 100% natural safe, and effective herbal remedies. It is made from the above mentioned Yerba Mate and:

- Vitamin B6 - the master vitamin for processing amino acids and the building block of all proteins and some hormones. Vitamin B6 is an essential nutrient in the regulation of mental process and mood. It has been know to improve glucose tolerance

- Green Tea - used as a social and medicinal beverage. It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to reduce pain, enhance immunity, and as an energizer to prolong life. Green Tea has been used in connection with weight loss and immune function. It has also been shown to lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

- Guarana - an evergreen vind indigenous to the Amazon basin. Guarana has been used in connection with athletic performance, fatigue, weight loss and obesity. The indigenous people of the Amazon used Guarana to decrease fatigue as well as to reduce hunger. It is also know to stimulate the central nervous system and increase metabolic rate.

- White Willow - it grows primarily in central and southern Europe and contains the parent compound from which aspirin was created. It is traditionally used as a pain medication.

- Cayenne - it has traditionally been used as medicine for centuries. It has shown reductions in appetite in a double-blind trial, studying the effects on appetite and energy intake. It has also been shown to increase metabolism of dietary fats. These trials suggest that Cayenne may help in the treatment of obesity.

The positive effects of the ingredients in the Yerba Slim formula have been clinically studied and proven to help with weightloss and appetite management. Here are the results from clinical studies

Overweight and obesity are known as risk factors for diabetes, heart disease, stroke, hypertension, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and other breathing problems, some forms of cancer (uterine, breast, colorectal, kidney, and gallbladder). Obesity is also associated with: high blood cholesterol, complications of pregnancy, menstrual irregularities, hirsutism (presence of excess body and facial hair), stress incontinence (urine leakage caused by weak pelvic-floor muscles), psychological disorders such as depression, increased surgical risk. Yerba Slim is a thermogenic weight loss formula designed to naturally assist the body in burning more calories by efficiently using stored body fat for energy. It also works as an appetite suppressant and an energy booster so you feel less hungry and have more energy. It makes weight loss nice and easy. With no excersize or diet changes, Emma lost 19kg in 6 months, just from taking 2 Yerba Slim pills each day. However it is recommended to combine Yerba Slim with a healthy diet and regular exercise for maximum benefits. Here are the most frequently asked questions

About The Author
Alexander Stomanec is interested in herbal drugs. His new site Personals Land is an useful site with many lins to information about variable drugs for pain relief, men`s health, weight loss, stop smoking, etc.

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Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Importance of a Balanced and Nutritional Diet

The Importance of a Balanced and Nutritional Diet was written by Nicky Pilkington and writes "Whether you are looking to lose weight or just to improve your nutrition, there is one factor that is vital to being successful. For any nutrition plan to succeed, you must achieve a balanced diet. A balanced diet is an eating plan that successfully balances each of the food groups. By finding the best balance of food groups, you can achieve better results than you ever have before.

One of the biggest misconceptions among people trying to lose weight is that eating less or not at all will make losing weight quicker and easier. In reality, this is far from the truth. By completely stopping eating, your body will actually lash out against you. If you deprive your body of food, it will try to hold on to any nutrients that it possibly can. This means that the fat you have, however little, is going to be retained by your body. This process occurs because of the body's natural instincts. Your body does not know that you are choosing to deprive yourself of food, therefore, it reacts as if you were starving. The "starvation diet" is one of the most counterproductive methods of weight loss that you can try..

Instead of attempting to deprive your body of any and all food, you should instead make a conscious effort to improve your diet. In order to improve your diet, you need to make sure you are getting a solid balance each day of all the necessary nutrients each and everyday. Although it may seem difficult to determine between good and bad food, there are a few easy tips you can follow to ensure a more balanced diet.

First of all, there are certain foods that should be avoided as much as possible. These include foods high in fat, which includes almost all fast food. Additionally, snack items like greasy potato chips should also be avoided. If you need a snack, opt for something like yogurt or an apple. When it comes to meals, just use common sense. Carbohydrates from foods like rice are good, while carbs from less nutritious sources should be avoided. It is also important to include as many fruits and vegetables in your diet as possible. Fruits and vegetables provide essential nutrition, along with virtually no excess calories.

Many people constantly struggle with trying to find the right diet. Although it may seem silly, following something as simple as the Food Pyramid can help put you on the right track. When it comes to making proper food choices, common sense usually prevails. If something seems unhealthy, then it probably is. By trusting your instincts and doing a little research when in doubt, you can find the diet that is right for you!

About the Author
Detailed information about nutrition can be found at


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Friday, September 08, 2006

Lose Weight Naturall And Successfully

Lose Weight Naturall And Successfully was written by John Savage and he writes "This article on weight loss has been written because I know, from personal experience, how important it is to your image and self esteem to have just the right body shape.

There are a lot of ways to lose weight. There are people who have decided to purchase exercise machines and after a few minutes of use each day, can loosen the fat instantly. Others try something new such as the Atkins or South Beach diet that have also proven to be effective.

Not all of these will work the same for a person. Some suggest the use of herbs and supplements. These are of western and eastern origin that have been proven to be safe as long as the proper measures are taken..

One of these aids is called hydroxycitric acid, which is an extract from a Garcinia cambogia tree found in India. Many Indians use this in making curry dishes, which is also used in restaurants in the United States.

The chemical does three things. It works by blocking the enzymes in the body from converting carbohydrates to fat. Second, it suppresses the appetite by making the brain think one is already full and lastly, it helps burn fat faster.

This means the person can go into an establishment that serves Indian cuisine or after buying this ingredient, can make a similar dish at home.

People who consume this often should drink a lot of water and reduce the consumption of alcohol because this will hinder the weight loss process. Those who have diabetes, high blood pressure, are pregnant or are still lactating should also stop first since this could have affects on the baby.

Another ingredient used by Indians is called Gugulipid. This herb comes from the mukul myrrh tree that has been used for centuries. This was first used to treat people with lipid disorders and obesity but tests have shown this can also lower the bad cholesterol and increase the good kind that is produced in the body.

This promotes weight loss by stimulating the thyroid gland, which in turn will speed up the metabolic rate in the body thus burning away fat. People who want to try this should maintain a low fat diet and not mix this with anything else since this could cause rashes or diarrhea.

Now before you read any further let me just say that I do hope you are finding this both helpful and interesting. I have written this because I really do believe that we need to know more about this, so, having said that, lets continue.

Gymnema is also a natural herb that can be found in India and parts of Africa. The leaves are known to interfere with the persons ability to taste sweetness thus reducing sugar consumption.

Those who have a hard time saying no to chocolates or anything sweet should take this before having a large meal. People who have diabetes should also eat this in moderation.

Gamma linolenic acid, which is a type of Omega 6, found in evening primrose oil and borage seed oil can be mixed in a meal before eating. This also increases the persons metabolism thus burning excess fat after brown fat found in the body has been activated.

Pharmaceutical companies sell these in bottle form and must be refrigerated and consumed within a month to a month and a half since this decomposes quickly.

Fibers normally found in herbal teas can also help people loose weight naturally. These products have ingredients such as psyllium, guar gum, pectin, glucomannan or chitin which stimulates bowel movement thus getting rid of excess fat. Users should drink lots of water to compensate for the fluids lost.

The use of aids in losing weight are many and have proven to be safe and effective. The person should consult a doctor first before taking anything.

Let me finish by saying that there is a mass of information out there on the topic of weight loss, and if you are wondering just where to start may I suggest a visit to your local bookstore, your local library, and do a search on the internet.

About the Author
john savage has a Blog where you can learn the secrets the weight loss industry does not want you to know. Click Here to visit


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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Natural Weight Loss Equals Effective Weight Loss

Natural Weight Loss Equals Effective Weight Loss was written by Dan Patterson and writes "With so many different products and magic weight loss pills on the market, many people seem to be turning away from the standard, tried and proven methods of losing weight. And the enticement is very real! Who wouldn’t love to just pop a pill, not change anything in their lifestyle, and lose 10 pounds a week? While many of the diet and weight loss supplements on the market can be very effective aids in losing weight, they should not be the focus of a weight loss mentality or program. So let’s get back to the basics.

The basics in natural weight loss and weight management are the following: nutrition and exercise. In this article we will discuss these two main topics in the categories of diet, resistance training, and cardio exercise..

Diet and Nutrition

While its very cliché to say that you are what you eat, there is a lot of truth to this statement. Let’s look deeper at this statement and think about some every day examples and evidences of this statement as well. Think about the last time you went to an all-you-can-eat buffet. For the most part, what was the overall physical condition of the people eating there? You make the call: are people that eat in the style of an all-you-can-eat buffet becoming what they eat? Does eating large amounts of food high in fat make your body react a certain way? Of course it does! Granted, this is some what of an extreme example, but the concept is true. Eating clean and reducing highly processed foods, lots of sugar, and the wrong types of fat will definitely help your body composition. For a great example of this, see the movie “Super-size Me.”

Resistance Training

There are many different types of resistance training that are effective. Weight training, pilates, yoga – all can be effective ways to get your body moving. Why is resistance training than cardio training? Because resistance training helps to build muscle more than anything else. Simply put, if your body has more muscle it tends to function and burn fat more effectively. So in summary, resistance training does more than just get your heart pumping and your muscles burning, but it builds muscle and improves your overall physical appearance and condition.

Cardio Training

As with resistance training, there are many ways to do cardio training: running (either outdoors or on a treadmill), biking, using an elliptical trainer, stair climber, rollerblading, and many more. There are several reasons why you should include cardio training in your natural weight loss or maintenance program. One of the main reasons is that doing cardio helps your body to burn more fat. Cardio will really get your heart pumping and will also put your body in a prime stat to burn more calories. Another reason to do cardio is overall conditioning. Do you find yourself getting easily winded when doing normal things like going up a staircase? Cardio training will help your body get used to that type of work.

In summary, for a natural weight loss or maintenance program to truly be effective and work over a longer period of time, you need to include proper nutrition, resistance training, and cardio training. These are the three pillars of your program and if any one of them is missing or being in some way neglected you will find that your program is not working as well as you might have hoped. When it comes to using supplements, remember that they are only supplemental to what you are already doing, hence the name “supplements.”

About the Author:
Dan Patterson is an editor of a website that promotes Natural Weight Loss

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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Grapefruits vs Doctors Drugs

Grapefruits vs Doctors Drugs was written by Julian Hall and writes "Does this mean that if you are taking these drugs which artificially and not always effectively, lower your blood pressure and blood fat levels, that you can not eat the wonderful gift of the gods that is the grapefruit? As far as fat levels are concerned, another study found that a healthier diet is more effective than drugs at reducing high cholesterol levels and that GPs should giving dietary advice before handing out drugs.

It has been quoted time and time again, and the more I read and research the more I find that there is abundant truth in the saying If the doctors of today do not become nutritionists, the doctors of tomorrow will be nutritionists. Lets take a look at the humble grapefruit which is causing these medications such trouble. It is a member of the citrus family along with the orange and its varieties (Satsuma, tangerine, mandarin etc) lemons and limes..

It is commonly used in weight loss diets and for those who are slimming as it is said to help your body to break down fats in your body so you can get rid of them more easily. Not only is it high in vitamin C and A, potassium, Calcium and phosphorus, but grapefruits contains unique plant compounds that reduce insulin levels, which in turn promotes weight loss. They are a good source of fibre and water. It can be used to relive flu and scanty urination, and aids digestion, fevers and fatigue.

There is also evidence to suggest that due to its effect on insulin levels, it can aid diabetic symptoms. Now if you can give me clear evidence that you should continue to take these artificial drugs in preference to the health benefits that can be derived from the addition of grapefruits to your diet, along with plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, essential fatty acids, clean water, moderate exercise and the exclusion of smoking, foods high in saturated fatty, refined processed fried foods and refined sugars then I would be very interested to see it.

Your body is made up of what you put in it, and the better the nutrient value of the things you put in it, the easier it is for your body to carry out is job of self rejuvenation and self healing, which is what it was designed to do. However, while you are taking medications, I am obliged to suggest you consult your doctor and continue taking your medication so as not cause yourself any problems. When moving to natural medicines in the form of foods and herbs, we normally have to continue artificial medications and leave it up to the person who prescribed it to decrease the dose then stop it as they feel appropriate. This is why prevention is much much much much better than cure, especially if you need to go the orthodox medical world for the supposed cure. Take care and stay healthy

About the Author
Julian Hall of Davidel - The Natural Health Care Company - providers of herbal medicine, herbalife and other (natural health products


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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Natural and Most Effective Way

Losing Weight the Natural and Most Effective Way was written by Dave Poon and writes "Like many people around the world, you may have a problem with having too much weight. But did you know that when you attempt to lose weight in a healthy manner, in short, via educating yourself instead of trying some fad diet, you are actually trying to lessen the amount of body fat you have?

To lose weight fast and for good, you must boost your metabolism. This is considered the quickest way to lose weight, as is evidenced by the numerous bodybuilders who possess very lean bodies.

The problem with trying out a fad diet is that these do not hasten the metabolism. Rather, they force your metabolism to slow down which in turn stops you from losing weight. To push himself to lose more weight, a dieter may cut down some more on food consumption but this is fruitless..

Why? The net loss of protein further slows down your metabolism and your body will attempt to compensate for the lower calorie intake. Even trying to exercise at this point will not solve the problem and may even worsen it. Some people may even re-gain the weight they lost as their metabolism slows down.

The reason for this weight gain is the fact that the more protein you lose from muscle then more fluid is lost. The weight you actually lost during the first few weeks will be mostly water loss. Thus your body attempts to compensate for the loss of fluid by slowing down the metabolism.

The best and permanent way to lose weight is to boost your metabolism beyond the normal range.

Boosting your metabolism would make you lose weight at a slower, more gentle pace of one to two pounds every week while gaining water. It allows the body to hang on to its protein stores thus minimizing water loss.

In addition, should you lower your calorie intake to too low a level, you can lose valuable protein, even when exercising. This is because exercise requires the intake of extra carbohydrates for fuel. Without carbohydrates, the body has to rely on protein stores to change into carbohydrates.

An exerciser who is not in good shape will need more carbohydrates since he has an untrained cardiovascular system. This untrained cardiovascular system cannot provide the necessary oxygen to allow cells to convert fat into energy needed during exercise. Doing exercise even if you are unfit or overweight can boost your metabolism. However, it is necessary for such individuals to do the right exercise for their particular body type, without reducing calorie intake by too much or before it is required.

You must boost your metabolism first prior to reducing your calorie intake. This allows the body to prepare a major fat-burning energy metabolism that doesn't involve so much protein metabolism.

By boosting your metabolism, you don't need to exercise so much as often, which gives you more time to do other things. It is not necessary to put in as much effort into exercise then. It is less likely for you to regain the weight afterwards. With a fast metabolism, your diet need not be inflexible, allowing you to enjoy certain foods as well.

You don't need to work at preparing low- or non-fat food for yourself so much, nor do you need to buy costly low-fat varieties of food. The last, but surely the best benefit, is that you have a higher percentage of fat loss compared to fluid loss.

About the Author
Dave Poon is an accomplished writer who specializes in the latest in Dieting. For more information regarding Natural Weight Loss please drop by at


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Monday, September 04, 2006

Weight Loss in Green Tea

Weight Loss in Green Tea was written by Ruel Hinaloc and he writes "This article explains a few things about Green Tea, and if you're interested, then this is worth reading, because you can never tell what you don't know.

Over the past few years, green tea and its connection with weight loss has long been the center of various clinical studies. Positive effects of green tea on weight loss have been discovered in recent years.

Studies show that the relation between green tea and weight loss are substantially linked together through the plant's thermogenic properties. Thermogenesis is the process by which the body produces heat by speeding up metabolism, burning calories,and breaking down fat. Certain substances in green tea are believed to help in the body's thermogenesis, thus contributing to weight loss..

Weight Loss in Other Herbs

Other than green tea, there are other natural herbs that contribute to weight loss. Gugulipid for instance has been shown to augment the metabolic rate of the body and help with thermogenesis, thus leading to weight loss. Gugulipid has also been reported as a catalyst for lowering down cholesterol levels.

Another herb that aids in weight loss is Maitaki. Derived from a Japanese plant, Maitaki helps promote weight loss by targeting the liver, which is a major digestive part of the body.

Maximizing Weight Loss Benefits in Green Tea

A standardized weight loss herbal extract of pure green tea is needed in order to maximize the weight loss benefits of green tea. The market offers several green tea weight loss products that do not use standardized extract. These non-standardized green tea weight loss products are cheaper but do not contain enough active green tea substances to have any significant weight loss benefits.

Knowledge can give you a real advantage. To make sure you're fully informed about Green Tea, keep reading.

Scientists and traditional herbalists believe that better weight loss results are achieved when green tea is used in conjunction with other weight loss herbs and with other nutrients. So before buying a green tea weight loss product, it is advisable that you choose a product that contains a rich blend of green tea herbs, minerals and nutrient that aid in weight loss.

Green tea when combined with ginger and olive leaf helps lower cholesterol and promotes weight loss. Green tea helps stop blood vessel constriction while CoQ 10 protects the heart and ensure blood pressure levels. By mixing green tea with CoQ 10, you will not only achieve maximum weight loss but you will also be able maintain the health of several body systems at one time.

The Ideal Green Tea Weight Loss Product

The first thing to make sure of when buying green tea products is to see if the manufacturer of the green tea extract follows strict GMP compliance, the manufacturing standard used throughout the world. Having GMP approval in green tea products assures you that you are getting a product of the highest quality.

Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, herbal products such as green tea are considered dietary supplements. This means that the success or effectiveness of these products do not have any guarantees. Companies or manufacturers that claim 100% success in their green tea products are doing false advertising and should not be patronized.

For assurance that you're getting your money's worth when you buy a green tea product, find a product that is using standardized green tea extract. Look for strict GMP compliance and make sure that the manufacturer of the green tea product has all the proper credentials in product formulation.

Of course, it's impossible to put everything about Green Tea into just one article. But you can't deny that you've just added to your understanding about Green Tea, and that's time well spent.

About the author: Ruel Hinaloc writes about a number of different topics.He is a successful networker.For more information on green tea visit,


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Sunday, September 03, 2006

Juicing for Weight Loss

Juicing for Weight Loss was written by A. McKain and he writes "Juicing for weight loss is the same with juicing for a healthy life

Fad diets may come and go, but healthy living is a lifetime commitment, a commitment made easier with juicing for weight loss and juicing for health. Juicing machines make weight loss juicing at home a reality, and our heavily researched juicing information provides useful tips on weight loss and dieting tips for juice lovers. From Green Star juicers and wheatgrass juicers to Champion commercial juicers and other fruit and vegetable juicers, you'll find the health food products and the knowledge to get you on the right path to weight loss juicing.

* Most vegetables and fruits are fat-free and low in calories. Replacing some meals with fresh juice helps you eliminate fat and cholesterol from your diet.

* If you are watching your carbs, stick to green vegetables, berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackgerries) and melons (cantalope and honeydew), as most other fruit and vegetable juices are high in carbs..

* Fresh juices help quench your appetite, and can help to reduce feelings of hunger or cravings - a big help when on a weight loss diet.

* Fresh carrot or parsley juices are especially effective in curbing appetite and cravings by helping to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

* Stay away from coriander and basil which are appetite stimulants.

* Asparagus, cucumber, leek, cranberry, celery and watermelon juices are natural diuretics and can help eliminate water retention.

* When you juice your fruits and vegetables you are removing the beneficial fiber from them. Put that fiber back into your diet by using your leftover pulp in soups and healthy baked goods, or stir a little of the pulp back into the juice before drinking it.

You can always experiment to find tasty recipes, but here are some to get you started.

Papaya Passion

-1 medium Papaya

-1 red delicious apple

-5 dates (pitted)

Blend everything and prepare for something out of this world!

Strawberry Delight

-4-8 strawberries

-1-2 Bananas

-8-10 dates

Mango Magic

-1-2 ripe mangos (peeled)

-8 dates (pitted)

-Juice of one orange

Durian Deck

-24 oz of durian

-1/2 orange

-Blend both

My Milk Shake tastes much better than yours...!

-2 cups of Durian

-8 dates

-2 bananas

-1 tsp of Carob powder

Well, there you have it. Thought you'd have to give up smoothies eh? Hope, this will be able to save you some money in buying less healthy and-as you'll discover-not as tasty smoothies with these.

Juicing to lose weight is healthy for the body and this will get you in a good shape. Juicing and following a diet will help you lose weight instantly, this is a renowned weight lose program and is admitted by most of the dieters

Juicing you will say hello to health and happiness!!!

About the Author
I am a nutritionist woman who used to be fat. After testing tens of so-called "wonder diets" I've decided to create a Weight Loss Programs Review Website, containing a top of the 3 best programs with a brief description about their features and benefits.

Visit the website! It will help you make a wise decision!


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Friday, September 01, 2006

Does Drinking Lots of Water Help You Lose Weight

Does Drinking Lots of Water Help You Lose Weight was written by A. McKain and he writes "Drinking lots of water help you lose weight!!!

Don't roll your eyes! The potion for losing that excess body fat is all around you. It covers two thirds of the planet. If you eat right and exercise at the intensity, frequency and duration proper for you, but still can't get rid of a little paunch here and there, you're probably just not drinking enough water.

No need to get defensive. You're actually quite normal. Most people don't drink enough water. Most people are also carrying around a few more pounds than they would be if they did drink enough water. If you can't seem to get that weight off, try drowning your sorrows in nature's magical weight loss mineral..

Your body needs more water when you exercise. And you want to drink water with every meal, to help you feel full and to help your weight loss program.

When you feel hungry it is often actually thirst. Your body needs plain old water, not soda, not coffee, not high fructose corn syrup. A glass of water can help stop hunger cravings.

Drink purified water

Our bodies are 70% water and we need to drink plenty of clean, pure water to be healthy and to lose weight. The problem is tap water may contain chlorine, lead, parasites and other common problems. Bottled water costs too much compared to water from your own water filter.

There is a filtration system for every need. Enjoy safe drinking water that is healthy and economical.

Water is the best beauty treatment.

You've heard this since high school, and it's true. Water will do wonders for you when it all about losing weight! It flushes out impurities in your skin, leaving you with a clear, glowing complexion. It also makes your skin look younger. Skin that is becoming saggy, either due to aging or weight loss, plumps up very nicely when the skin cells are hydrated.

In addition, it improves muscle tone. You can lift weights until you're blue in the face, but if your muscles are suffering from a drought, you won't notice a pleasant difference in your appearance. Muscles that have all the water they need contract more easily, making your workout more effective and you'll look much nicer than if you had flabby muscles under sagging skin.

So we can talk about muscles not fats, and this is the reason why we should drink lots of water- to lose weight because it helps. Drinking water and following a good diet will help you to lose weight and feel younger.

About the Author
I am a nutritionist woman who used to be fat. After testing tens of so-called "wonder diets" I've decided to create a Weight Loss Programs Review Website, containing a top of the 3 best programs with a brief description about their features and benefits.

Visit the website! It will help you make a wise decision!


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