Friday, May 25, 2007

Natural Diet Tips To Achieve Fast Weight Loss

Because of the countless diet products lining store shelves and being advertised on television, people forget that the most effective way to lose weight is simply to exercise and eat healthy. Natural diet products, however, can help a person get to their ideal weight and they include green tea and whey.

Whey is a complex milk-based ingredient made up of protein, lactose, fat and minerals. Protein is the best-known component and it is made up of smaller protein subfractions like beta-lactoglubulin, alpha-lactalbumin, immunoglobulins, glycomacropeptides, bovine serum albumin and minor peptides such as lactoperoxidases, lysozyme and lactoferrin. Some of these subfractions are found only in small amounts (less than 1% usually) of cow's milk.

The benefits of whey have been known for centuries. In fact, in Florence, Italy, it is said that if you want to live healthy and actively, drink whey and dine early..

Whey in weight loss

Many studies conclude that whey plays a significant role in weight reduction. The results of these studies were so astounding that whey was dubbed an adequate weight loss supplement.

Whey has unique effects on food intake. Having whey before a workout helps a person gain and preserve lean body mass. Likewise, whey maintains betaoxidation (or fat burning) during exercise, compared to other foods. If you include whey in your diet, you can increase your muscle mass and decrease your body fat. This is all because whey rapidly delivers amino acids to your body during exercise.

Not only that, but whey has been found to improve blood sugar regulation - which is another factor in controlling appetite and metabolism.

The benefit of herbal green tea extract

Green tea is famous for its medicinal benefits. Most Asian countries use it and other places around the globe are following suit. Aside from its well-known benefits, green tea can also help a person reduce weight.

Drinking green tea is also a safe way to get rid of those pounds. Unlike other herbal products, it doesn't contain ephedra (which increases heart rate and blood pressure).

Instead, green tea contains high concentrations of catechin polyphenols, which work with other chemicals to intensify fat oxidation and thermogensis (in which heat is created in the body to burn fuels like fat). Moreover, green tea causes the release of carbohydrates to slow down and thus, prevents sharp increases of insulin in the blood.

One cup of green tea a day, or a supplemental tea extract, can help you burn 78 extra calories - so imagine if you drink more tea than that! Not only that, but green tea controls leptin, which is a protein produced by fats and it plays a vital role in how the body manages fat storage via brain signals. A lower leptin level decreases a person's appetite and helps them to eat in moderation.

Green tea is a safe and effective weight loss tool.
About the Author

Kathryn Whittaker has an interest in Health and Beauty related topics. To access more information on weight loss or on lose weight fast, please click on the links.

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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Diet Plans for a Low Carb Diet

Diet Plans for a Low Carb Diet was written by Andreea Dinescu and she writes "One of the most popular diets is the low carb one. But because of its popularity the number of diet plans is growing, and growing and growing. When you have to decide it is so difficult: the very large amount of information freezes you. You’re blocked and you have to find a way to continue what you have begun: a low carb diet. That’s why I have decided to present you some diet plans for a low carb diet.

One of the most known is the Atkins diet. It mainly consists of four phases: first phase has the purpose to induce “benign dietary ketosis” that will help the body to produce the fat mobilization substance; once this substance is being produced the body is forced to disgorge and burn up deposited body fat; this is the time when you start loosing weight. The second phase continues the process and tries to remove some of the food restrictions. This will last until you achieve the desired weight..

The third phase prepares you for the last one. Now you will change your diet into a maintenance diet and you will lose very slowly the last extra pounds. The last phase is the maintenance diet and its purpose is to maintain the target weight for life. This is achieved by setting a fairly strict diet that will forever keep off the lost weight. The person is urged to stick to the carbohydrate level they feel happiest on without gaining weight.

Another popular diet plan for a low carb diet is Eat Fat Get Thin. This is a high fat, low carb plan, which allows 60g carbohydrates per day and calories are unrestricted. The method is to reduce your intake of refined carbs. In order to do this you can eat as much as you want of any meat, fish, poultry, cheese, cream butter and eggs; you can also have green leafy vegetables. You are allowed to eat vegetables and fruits, avoiding the sweeter ones. You should cut of foods with a large amount of sugar and cereals, and you should give up eating bread, or eat as less as you can. This diet was a success for the one who wrote it, and it can be for you, too.

Another diet plans are: Life without Bread, The Diet Cure, Fat Flush Plan, Neanderthin, South Beach Diet and many, many others.

If you find this information useful you should visit the site where you will find lots of interesting articles related to this topic, all original and wrote by Andreea Dinescu.

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